- 网络contamination;hybridization

The diabases have riched type Nd , Sr isotopic composition and have great varying range , which is the result of action together both magma source and contamination .
Mantle magma is free from crust contamination .
The element-geochemical features reflect that the magma comes from enriched mantle and that hybridism of continental crust occurs in the source area .
The fractional crystallization is the main geological process in magmatic evolution , and contamination is weak . Two exotic components come from upper crust and / or subduction plate .
The preliminary results of strontium . lead and oxygen isotope studies has provided some clues to the mantle origin of the magma and to the assimilation and hybridization it undergoes .
These rocks consist of olivine basalt , alkali olivine basalt , basanite and nephelinite , together with alkali diabase , tholeiitic diabase and analcite syenite which have been formed as a result of differentiation and contamination .
The fluids derived from dehydration of subducted slab , both continental crust and oceanic crust contributed to enrichment of metasomatic mantle . The lamprophyres was subtly contaminated by crustal substances . Both partial melting and crystallization fractionation play an important role in rock-forming processes .
The main diagenesis is fractional crystallization assimilation and contamination .
And ( 4 ) to explore and resolve various doubts and difficulties of magmatic petrology , such as : magma immiscibility , magma mixing , magma contamination , behaviour of sulphur species in magma , mantle partial melting , and mantle metasomatism .