- 名Mixed word;composite word;hybrid word

Staycation is a portmanteau that combines " stay " and " vacation " and refers to a holiday that takes place either at or near home .
" Aeroplane " is a hybrid which is made from a Greek word and a Latin one .
It is also used in adjectival compounds " Aeroplane " is a hybrid which is made from a Greek word and a Latin one .
As if that wasn 't enough layers , Mareep is also a portmanteau of " Mary " and " Sheep , " so the name is also an allusion towards the nursery rhyme , Mary had a Little Lamb .
The second name is a portmanteau : Gallo is derived from the Latin word for rooster , gallus , while pavo is the Latin word for peacock .
Movember , which combines the words for " moustache " and the11th month , asks men to grow a moustache to help raise money and awareness for various men 's health charities .
The second name is a portmanteau : Gallo is derived from the Latin word for rooster , gallus , while pavo is the Latin word for peacock . So , effectively , the official name for a turkey is guinea-fowl-rooster-peacock .
Foreign trademarks are more often that not created through word formation such as chipping , blending or acronymy .
The present vocabulary system of Korea language can be divided into 4 classes : natural language , Chinese language , foreign language and mixed language .
Firstly , dividing into inherent word , Chinese character words , foreign words , mixed words under the new origin of the word and making a concrete analysis .
The essay not only analyses the artistic effect of puns , onomatopoeia , neologism , portmanteau and transforming citations , but also explores their functions in the particular context .
A Contrastive Research of Mixed Loanwords between Chinese and Korean
However , as the word hybrid already indicates , the databases serving the applications continue to exist .