
  • 网络mixed operation;mixed management;conglomeration;mixed operation management
  1. 世界范围内金融环境的变化,对利润的追逐以及风险控制能力的提高使得商业银行与投资银行的界限开始模糊,金融混业经营己是大势所趋。

    Worldwide changes of financing , pursuit of profits and enhanced risk control are making the bound between commercial banking and investment banking fairly obscure , and the mixed operation of financing has become the main trend .

  2. 20世纪80年代以来,无论是一直实施混业经营的欧洲,还是近几年重新走上混业经营之路的美国,银行保险都成为一种潮流和趋势。

    Since the 80s of the 20th century , banking insurance has become a trend whether in Europe where mixed operation has been in practice all the time or in USA where mixed operation has been just resumed in recent years .

  3. 加入WTO后中国金融业应对混业经营趋势的路径选择

    The Chinese financial circles ' way choice for its comprehensive management trend after China joined WTO

  4. 我国加入WTO,商业银行将面临来自混业经营的外资商业银行的巨大冲击。

    With Chinese accession to WTO , Chinese commercial banks face a huge threat from foreign commercial banks with universal banking .

  5. 随着中国加入WTO,分业经营与混业经营成为我国面临的一个现实选择。

    Following China entered WTO , our country has to make a real-life choice between divided operation management and mixed operation management .

  6. 但随着金融体制改革与加入WTO,该原则必然要被混业经营原则所代替。

    But with the reform of financial system and joining the WTO , that principle must be instead of the Mixed Operating Principle .

  7. 同时,在加入WTO后,面临众多混业经营的跨国金融集团的挑战,国有商业银行迫切需要提高整体竞争优势。

    Meanwhile , faced to the challenge of many multinational financial conglomerates , it is urged for the state-owned commercial banks to improve their compete advantages .

  8. 我国已经于2001年底加入WTO,盛行于全世界的混业经营制度必将影响我国金融改革的发展方向。

    China entered WTO at the end of 2001 . Prevailing in the world , the institution of integrated operation will certainly influence the developing direction of China 's financial reform .

  9. TRM和信号博弈结合的银行业混业经营监管

    Banking Supervision of Mixed Operation Based on TRM Connected with Signal Game

  10. 作为新的理论视角,X效率理论体系中有关企业微观效率的“全权委托偏好”、“惯性区域”等理论可以很好地用于解释金融业混业经营的成因。

    As a new theory angle , some theory concerning of micro-efficiency such as the Total Consignment Predilection and Inertia-zone theory in X-efficiency Theory system could be well used to explain the reason of financial conglomeration .

  11. 进入新世纪以来,中国金融业不仅面临加入WTO后经济全球化的更激烈竞争,而且面临西方国家金融管制放松、金融混业经营新趋势的影响。

    Since the new century , Chinese financial industry faces not only more impetuous competition of economy globalization after entry WTO , but also the impact of new trends of western countries deregulation and mixed business operation .

  12. 个人理财业务是我国金融业混业经营改革的突破口,也是加入WTO后与外资银行竞争的主战场,因此各金融机构都非常重视发展个人理财业务。

    PFS is the reform breach of financial industry multi-operation in our country , and also is the main battlefield competing with the foreign banks after joining WTO . Therefore , various financial setups all extremely pay attention to developing PFS .

  13. 我国加入WTO后,金融业的发展面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战,金融业逐步摒弃分业经营的模式,转向混业经营已经成为大势所趋。

    After entering into the WTO , the development of china ′ s financial business is facing huge opportunities and challenges that never happened before . The financial business is dropping the separate operation , and turning to the mixed operation .

  14. 面对加入WTO对我国金融业的挑战,混业经营在我国也将成为一种不可抵挡的经营模式,从法律上构建银行业混业经营制度成为一个重要的时代命题。

    In China , mixed operation will also be able to become a business model to face the financial challenges of entering WTO . From the legal point , building mixed business banking system also becomes an important topic of the times .

  15. 指出我国加入WTO后,面对国际金融业混业经营的世界趋势,发展商业银行混业经营是金融业应对挑战的必然选择,而实现这一目标的现实途径和理性选择是发展金融控股公司。

    After joined WTO , facing the trend of the joint management , to developing the joint management of the commercial bank is the necessary choice to cope with the challenge , while the transition way is to develop the banking holding companies .

  16. 20世纪80年代,随着西方国家金融业的快速发展,银行业与保险业相互融合,并逐步发展成为一种新的混业经营模式&银行保险(Bancassurance)。

    During the 1980s , the merging of the banking and insurance business with the rapid development of the financial industry has brought a new management mode & bancassurance .

  17. 通过运用SWOT分析方法对我国商业银行拓展投资银行业务的可行性进行深刻剖析,并提出在分业经营和混业经营两种不同经营环境下商业银行可以采取的拓展投资银行经营策略。

    Applying the method of SWOT ( Strength , Weak , Opportunity and Threat ), this paper analyzes the feasibility that commercial banks run investment bank businesses , and give some corresponding strategies which may be adopted at present and under mixed banking system in future .

  18. 分业经营与混业经营模式比较及中国的选择

    A Comparision between Specialized and Mixed Business Modes and Chinas Choice

  19. 我国金融机构混业经营模式研究

    Research on the Multi-Operating Mode of Our Country 's Financial Organization

  20. 接着分析了我国银行业效率低下、处境困难的发展状况,而混业经营能够促进银行的金融创新,为商业银行的发展提供良好的制度环境,从而提高金融效率,促进经济增长。

    The system of universal banking can help improve the situation .

  21. 混业经营:金融业的发展趋势及我国的必然选择

    Universal Banking : Trend of Finance and Inevitable Destination in China

  22. 混业经营模式下的有效金融监管组织体系研究

    On the Organization Structure of Financial Supervision Dominated by Financial Groups

  23. 论我国投资银行和商业银行的混业经营

    Towards the Mix Management of Chinese Investment Banks and Commercial Banks

  24. 银行混业经营:背景、障碍与对策分析

    The Mixed Management of Banking : Background , Obstacle and Solution

  25. 我国商业银行混业经营发展模式研究

    Research on the Mode of Mixed Operation of Chinese Commercial Banks

  26. 混业经营趋势下金融监管的制度创新

    Institutional Innovation on Financial Supervision under the Trend of Diversified Management

  27. 论混业经营条件下金融监管模式的选择

    The Choice of Financial Regulation Mode under Integration of Financial Industry

  28. 最后,从风险管理角度来看,本文认为我国保险控股集团在混业经营下应加强防范来自证券市场的风险,同时我国保险控股集团的公司治理结构也需要完善。

    China insurance holding companies should also improve corporate governance structure .

  29. 混业经营主要存在经济性风险和法律性风险。

    Mixed operation mainly exists the economic risks and legal risks .

  30. 混业经营下的银行监管问题与模式选择

    Bank supervision under the mixed financial business and choice of mode