
  • 网络Huaibin County
  1. 河南省淮滨县农民专业合作社的发展成效与体会

    Development and Experience of the Professional Farmer Cooperatives in Huaibin County

  2. 河南淮滨县疟疾流行现状的基线调查

    Baseline investigation of malaria endemic status in Huaibin County , Henan Province

  3. 淮滨县教育局的电话无人接听。

    Calls to the county 's education department went unanswered .

  4. 用捕获&再捕获法对河南省淮滨县疟疾流行情况的研究

    Study on Current Malaria Incidence by Capture and Re-capture Method in Huaibin County , Henan

  5. 河南省淮滨县实施全球基金疟疾项目效果的评价

    Evaluation on the effects of malaria control project supported by global fund in Huaibin County of Henan Province

  6. 在一例关停事件中,一个由河南省淮滨县一名志愿者用自家房屋运营的图书馆,被当地民政局取缔。该组织表示,民政局没有给出取缔理由。

    In one case , a library run by a volunteer from his home in Huaibin County , Henan Province was shut down by the local civil affairs department , which the group said did not give a reason for its actions .

  7. 淮滨县民政局一位只透露了自己姓简的官员表示,这种事件由文化局处理。但是文化局一名接听电话的职员表示他不知道这个事件。

    An official who gave only his surname , Jian , at the Huaibin civil affairs department said such matters were handled by the cultural affairs department , but the person who answered the telephone there said he knew nothing about it .

  8. [结果]2003~2005年淮滨县共报告疟疾病例1765例,平均年发病率为8.93/万。2004年和2005年疟疾发病分别比上年下降53.58%和72.04%。

    [ Results ] 1765 malaria cases had been reported and average malaria incidence was 8.93 per 10000 in Huaibin County during 2003-2005 . The numbers of cases in 2004 and 2005 were 53.58 % and 72.04 % lower than that of the previous year respectively .

  9. 结果1.孕产妇产前保健利用率(产前检查率、孕早期检查率和产检5次以上检查率)息县(综合项目县)和宜阳(一般项目县)高于淮滨(空白对照县)。

    Maternal pre-pregnancy health-care utilization ( prenatal care rate , pregnancy rate of early detection and the rate of production inspection found more than 5 times ) of Xixian ( integrated project counties ) and Yiyang ( General County ) was higher than Huaibin ( control counties ) . 2 .