
  • 【航空】liquid floated gyroscope
  1. 陷波滤波器补偿液浮陀螺阻尼比的研究

    Research on Notch Filter Compensation Damping Ratio of Liquid Floated Gyroscope

  2. 某型号液浮陀螺温度场分析

    The Analysis on Temperature Field of a Type of Floated Gyro

  3. 双轴液浮陀螺平台的设计与试验

    Design and Testing of a Two-Axis Liquid Supported Gyroscope Platform

  4. 某型液浮陀螺浮子结构的热应力分析

    Thermal Stress Analysis on a Type of Liquid Floated Gyroscope Floater Structure

  5. 液浮陀螺电机用轴承的寿命可靠性分析

    Life Reliability of Motor Bearing Used by Liquid-floated Gyro

  6. 液浮陀螺漂移的试验建模研究

    Study on Modeling for Liquid floated Gyro Drift

  7. 仿真实验结果表明,全液浮陀螺加速度表的动态模型是可以辨识的。

    The simulation results show that the dynamic model of a PIGA is identifiable .

  8. 液浮陀螺声音信号的小波包系数距离研究

    Research on the Method of Wavelet Packet Coefficient Distances in the Feature Extraction of the Sound from the Liquid Floated Gyro

  9. 本文所述的是由四个单自由度永磁马达液浮陀螺构成的惯性导航系统。

    In this report , the inertial navigation system which consists of four single-degree-of - freedom liquid-floated gyros with permanent magnet motors is described .

  10. 因此,大多数液浮陀螺充以氟碳化合物。碳氢/碳氟表面活性剂复配体系溶致液晶的研究

    For this reason , most floated gyros are filled with the fluorocarbons . Study of Lyotropic Liquid Crystals Formed by Mixed C ? H / C ? F Surfactants

  11. 研究了液浮陀螺的阻尼比随温度变化剧烈的问题,提出采用陷波滤波器补偿陀螺阻尼比的方法。

    The damping ratio of liquid floated gyro varies dramatically with the temperature . This thesis introduces the method of compensating damping ratio of liquid floated gyro through notch filter .

  12. 本文介绍了以三环半解折式液浮陀螺惯性导航系统和几何式静电陀螺监控器组成的潜艇用综合惯性导航系统的最优滤波方法及其一些关键技术。

    This paper describes the algorithm of optimal filter and some key techniques in the submarine integrated inertial navigation system , which is composed of a three-gimbals semi-analytic inertial navigation system and a geometric inertial sys-tem called electrostatic-supported-gyro monitor .

  13. 本文在对某型液浮动力陀螺的转子结构进行合理简化的基础上,建立了浮子三维有限元模型。

    In this paper , a floater structure's3-D finite element model of a type of Liquid Floated dynamically Gyroscope was setup based on a reasonable supposition .

  14. 液浮速率积分陀螺温控模型分析和参数设计

    Model Analysis and Parameter Design for Temperature Control System of Liquid Floated Rate Integrating Gyro

  15. 本文针对航天陀螺寿命试验所提出的要求,设计了某型号液浮速率积分陀螺寿命试验系统。

    In this dissertation , the requirements of Space Gyro life test , designing the life test system of a certain type of the liquid integral gyro .

  16. 随着技术的发展,先后出现了轴承陀螺和框架陀螺,液浮和气浮陀螺,干式动力挠性支承的转子陀螺及静电陀螺、激光陀螺、光纤陀螺和振动陀螺。

    With the development of the technology , there had many kinds of gyro , such as Ball bearings gyros and framework gyros , and the flotation of floating gyroscope , dry driving force supporting the flexible and electrostatic gyroscope rotor , laser gyro , and vibration gyro FOG .