
rùn cháng tōng biàn
  • relaxing bowel
润肠通便[rùn cháng tōng biàn]
  1. 目的研究纤梅颗粒的润肠通便功能作用。

    Objective To study the purgative action of Qianmei Granules .

  2. 目的:研究和胃冲剂的润肠通便作用。

    OBJECTIVE To study the cathartic action of Hewei powder .

  3. 目的研究芦荟胶囊润肠通便的作用。

    Objective To investigate ease-constipation action of capsulae aloes .

  4. 对中老年奶粉进行了润肠通便调理胃肠的保健功能研究。

    The paper discussed the function of milk powder for middle and old age .

  5. 百合膳食纤维对小白鼠润肠通便功能的影响

    Effect of Lily Dietary Fiber on the Smoothing Intestine and Relieving Constipation Function of Mice

  6. 酸奶对人体润肠通便功能的影响研究

    Effects of yogurt on bowels open function

  7. 当大便干结时,多吃苹果可以起到润肠通便的作用。

    When stool stem node , eat more apple can rise to embellish aperient bowel function .

  8. 青海野生大黄茶润肠通便作用的实验观察

    Observations on the action of looseing the bowel to relieve constipation on the Qinghai wild rhubarb tea

  9. 润肠通便口服液对实验性便秘及肠道平滑肌的作用

    The effects of Run Chang Tong Bian oral liquid on experimental constipation model and intestinal smooth muscle

  10. 结果:润肠通便浓缩丸对正常及便秘模型小鼠大肠蠕动均有明显促进作用。

    Result : This pill can obviously promote the peristalsis of large intestine of normal and constipation mice models .

  11. 结论浒苔加工产品具有良好的润肠通便和调节血脂作用。

    Conclusion EP products were effective in improving enterocinesia function , loosening bowel to relieve constipation and lower blood lipid .

  12. 目的观察青海野生大黄茶对小鼠的润肠通便作用。

    Objective : To observe the action of looseing the bowel to relieve constipation on qinghai wild rhubarb tea in mice .

  13. 药理及技术特征该产品具润肠通便,活血疏风功能。

    Pharmacology and technological characteristic this product functions to moisten intestine and promote bowel movement , activate blood circulation and expel wind .

  14. 目的观察润通胶囊对便秘模型小鼠的润肠通便作用的影响。

    OBJECTIVE To study the effect of moistening the intestines and freeing the stool from Runtong capsule in mouse model with constipation .

  15. 目的研究润肠通便口服液(口服液)对实验性便秘及肠道平滑肌的作用。

    Objective To study the effect of Run Chang Tong Bian ( RCTB ) oral liquid on experimental constipation models and intestinal smooth muscle .

  16. 结论:耻骨上前列腺切除术后口服石蜡油通过润肠通便缓解便秘,可降低腹压,明显减少继发出血的发生。

    Conclusion Drinking liquid paraffin after prostatectomy lubricates intestine and relieves constipation , so it can reduce the abdominal inner pressure and postoperative bleeding .

  17. 目的研究润肠通便颗粒剂对小鼠及家兔胃肠蠕动功能的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of Run Chang Tong Bian Granules ( RCTBG ) on stomach and intestine peristalsis in mice and rabbits .

  18. 目的:研究半乳糖醇润肠通便作用的量效关系及半乳糖醇对复方苯乙哌啶止泻作用的对抗效能。

    Objective : To study the dosage-effect relationship of laxative action of galactitol and resistive action of galactitol in constipation model mice caused by diphenoxylate composite .

  19. 在日常生活中,很多人都认为吃香蕉能够起到润肠通便的作用,所以有些便秘的人会经常吃香蕉。

    In daily life , a lot of people think bananas can rise the embellish aperient bowel function , so some people will often eat constipation of banana .

  20. 人们摄取蓖麻油是为了润肠通便、引产,还可用于其他自然疗法,但你决不能吃完全未经处理的蓖麻子。

    People ingest castor oil to relieve constipation , to induce labor , and for other naturopathic purposes , but you should never eat whole raw castor beans .

  21. 银条是我国的地方特色蔬菜,主食地下茎部分,富含多种蛋白质、碳水化合物、氨基酸等,可凉拌、酱制,亦可帮助消化、润肠通便,降低血压浓度等。

    Is local characteristic vegetable and eat its subterranean stem . It has mang proteins , carbohydrates , amino acids , ect . So it can help digestion , relax the bowels and reduce blood pressure .

  22. 调节人体机能,健脾胃,润肠通便,强身健体,降血脂,调节血液粘稠度,对减肥具有明显疗效。

    Regulate vitality , benefit spleen and stomach , moisten intestines to relieve constipation , strengthen the body , descend the blood fattiness , regulate blood viscosity , it has the obvious curative effect for losing weight .

  23. 双歧杆菌是健康人肠道内定植数量占优势的一种重要的益生菌,具有润肠通便、改善肠道微生态菌群、免疫调节等一系列的生理保健功能。

    Bifidobacterium was a kind of important dominant prebiotic in intestinal of healthy people , providing a series of physiological functions such as improving intestinal microflora , regulating immune ability , smoothing intestine and defecating feces excretion .

  24. 而芦荟具有缓泻、清热的作用,在肠道中释放大量大黄素,作用温和,既能刺激肠蠕动,又不引起剧烈腹泻,还可以增加小肠含水量,发挥导泻、润肠通便的作用。

    The aloe with laxative , the role of heat in the intestines release large amounts of emodin , the role of mild , not only to stimulate peristalsis , without causing severe diarrhea , also can increase the intestinal water content , to play a cathartic , laxative effect .

  25. 结论益气润肠液不仅具有与麻仁丸、西沙比利相同的增强肠道动力、润肠通便作用,而且还具有增强排便反射、提高盆底肌肉兴奋性的作用。

    CONCLUSION : Yiqi Runchang Liquid has the effects of not only enhancing intestinal dynamics , moisturizing the intestines and relaxing the bowels as Maren Pills and cisapride , but also enhancing defecation reflex and increasing excitability of muscle in pelvic bottom .