
  • 网络Disappearance phenomenon;extinction phenomena
  1. 油滴的二次消失现象,是该系统在高浓度时又一个特殊性质,与SDS系统完全不同。

    This second time disappearing of oil drop is a special character of this system .

  2. 在超导能隙之上Andreev反射系数随能量呈现周期性消失现象;

    Andreev reflection exhibits a periodic vanishing with the energies ;

  3. 经验模态分解方法的小波消失现象

    Little - Wave - Vanish Phenomena of Empirical Mode Decomposition

  4. 他们揭示了运动员在运动训练中的免疫球蛋白消失现象。这是世界医学史上的新发现。

    They revealed the disappearing phenomenon of immunoglobulin , which was a new discovery in the world medicine history .

  5. 结论:供体骨髓输注有利于促进微嵌合的形成,嵌合体的消失现象与急性排斥反应之间无相关关系,不能以此作为诊断急性排斥反应的依据。

    Conclusions : Donor bone marrow infusion can promote formation of microchimera , there are no relevance between microchimera disappearance and rejection .

  6. 观察结果为:1.在胚胎的软骨组织内,不同程度地存在一些软骨细胞散在的退变消失现象及单个软骨细胞残影。

    The results are as follows : 1 . Degeneration of cartilage cells of different degrees were seen in the cartilaginous tissues examined .

  7. 研究了明胶对阴极极化、电流效率、电解液比电阻的影响,研究了在电解过程中明胶的电析消失现象,探讨了明胶的作用机理。

    Effect of gelatin on cathodic polarization , current efficiency , and specific resistance was described , and mechanism of gelatin in electrolytic refining was also studied .

  8. 详细回顾并探讨了中间组分的非理性对分支与稳定性的影响。通过分析多重解边界曲线与活度极限曲线,发现在此种情形下是以多定态解的分离和消失现象为主要特征的。

    Secondly when we carefully retrospect and discuss the influence of intermediate component on bifurcation and stability of multiple steady state solutions , we can find that the divergence and disappearance of multiple solutions .

  9. 探讨了光谱蓝移、光漂白与溶液中量子点消失现象间的关系,证明了光漂白导致了溶液中量子点的消失。

    Research indicated that the photobleaching led to the disappearance of quantum dots in the field of view after the argumentation of relation between blue shift , photobleaching and disappearance of quantum dots in solution .

  10. 本文提出了有关中国早期文明研究的几个问题:第一,对中国古代文明中相关文化的崩溃和消失现象应该予以重视和研究;

    The article puts forward three questions on the early civilization in China . First , the phenomenon of breakdown and disappear of the relative cultures of the archaic civilization of China should be attached importance to study ;

  11. 20世纪5070年代,788%的天然红松林转化为其他类型斑块;20世纪7090年代,991%的天然红松林转化为其他类型斑块,并有斑块出现及消失现象发生。

    The area of landscape matrix which was Pinus koraiensis decreased gradually , the transition probabilities were 7 88 % from 1950s to 1970s and 9 91 % from 1970s to 1990s . It was happened that some patches appeared and disappeared .

  12. 针对吸收光谱中660&820nm出现的四个弱小吸收峰提出了一个色心模型,从而解释了空气和富Li气氛处理后吸收峰消失的现象;

    A color-center model successfully explains the four small peaks in the range of 660 & 820nm , which disappeared when the samples were annealed in air or Li-rich atmosphere .

  13. 结论:LH细胞最初可能广泛存在于脑的不同区域,以后随着年龄的增长,脑某些部位的LH细胞开始出现合成功能减退,甚至完全消失的现象;

    Conclusion : Originally LH positive cells may widely exist in different parts of the brain . And yet , as the age of man the synthesis function of LH cells in a certain area begins to decrease , and even disappears completely ;

  14. 对每核子200gev的s+pb中心碰撞中产生的∧粒子的横向极化度消失的现象作了细致研究。

    The degradation of Λ transverse polarization produced in S + Pb central collisions at energy 200 GeV per nucleon has been studied in detail .

  15. 功能部件执行其必要操作能力消失的现象。

    The termination of the ability of a functional unit to perform its required function .

  16. 科学家们试图解释恐龙消失的现象,可他们的疑问多于答案。

    Scientists try to explain their disappearance , but they 've got more questions than answers .

  17. 肿瘤的自然退化是指在极少甚至无系统治疗的情况下肿瘤自行缩小乃至消失的现象。

    Spontaneous degeneration means tumor shrinks automatically even disappears in the circumstance of rare or no systematic treatment .

  18. 影片中后现代主义的情感浮躁、主体缺失、历史感消失的现象成为主体。

    Film modernism emotional impetuous , the main lack of the phenomenon to become the main sense of history disappear .

  19. 与此同时,全球化背景下的文化趋同、地域文化消失的现象也同样出现在城市公园的规划设计中。

    At the same time , under the background of globalization , culture convergence , regional culture disappearing , also appeared in the design of city parks .

  20. 提上睑肌缩短术组有1例,额肌瓣悬吊术组有8例,阔筋膜丝线额肌悬吊术组有5例出现重睑皱疑变浅、消失的现象。

    Double-fold crease of upper eyelid disappeared or became shallow in 8 cases of group II , 5 cases of group , only 1 case of group I .

  21. 在一种类耗散系统中观察到了椭圆周期轨道及其周围的椭圆岛与映象不连续边界碰撞而消失的现象。

    In a kind of quasi dissipative systems the disappearance of some elliptic periodic orbits and the elliptic islands around them via a collision with the discontinuous border of the system function can be observed .

  22. 在实验中,观察到锯齿状内裂面的逐渐消失、退化现象及高温显微镜下裂纹边界棱角的钝化现象。

    During healing , the zigzag disappeared and crack boundary passivated .

  23. 结果ACMP第1天组可见弥漫性心肌细胞内线粒体肿胀,嵴减少甚至消失而变空等现象;

    Results Mitochondria swelling , decrease or disappearance of mitochondria crista , vacant area and so on , in diffuse cardiac myocytes were observed in rats of ACMP 1st day group .

  24. 早期的鸟类学家,无法解释每到冬季时当地的燕子消失尽殆的现象,便怀疑它们把自己埋在烂泥中长梦过冬。

    Early ornithologists , puzzled by the disappearance each winter of the local swallow population , suspected that the birds buried themselves in mud and hibernated .