
  • 网络hippocampus;hippocampal formation
  1. 维克森林大学医学院(WakeForestUniversitySchoolofMedicine)的研究人员检测了海马体的神经元。海马体是大脑里与记忆的编码、储存相关的区域。

    Researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine examined nerve cells in the hippocampus , a region of the brain associated with memory coding and storing .

  2. 但这些研究人员表示,通过让信号绕过海马体(Hippocampus,大脑记忆中枢)的受损回路,上述研究发现最终可能有助于治疗神经退行性疾病,包括阿尔茨海默病。

    But the researchers say findings could eventually help to treat neurodegenerative diseases , including Alzheimer 's , by enabling signals to bypass damaged circuitry in the hippocampus , the brain 's memory centre .

  3. 使用空间导航法(即非GPS法)的人,他们的大脑活动更为活跃,海马体的灰质也比GPS使用者的多。

    Those who used spatial navigation strategies ( i.e.the non-GPS method ) had increased activity and a greater volume of22 ) grey matter in the hippocampus than those who relied on GPS .

  4. 在将其应用到人脑部矢状位海马体结构的分割的仿真实验中,取得了良好的分割效果,证明了添加先验知识的GAC模型的有效性。

    In the simulation experiments , good hippocampus segmentations in human sagittal brain MR images are obtained through the improved model , showing the effectiveness of combining prior knowledge into the GAC model .

  5. 一项由加利福尼亚州索尔克生物研究所(SalkInstituteforBiologicalStudies)的研究人员进行的研究发现,大脑会在齿状回(海马体的一部分)中持续记录相似但截然不同的记忆,比如你今天把车停在哪儿了这个信息。

    A study conducted by researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California found that the brain keeps track of similar but distinct memories ( where you parked your car today , for example ) in the dentate gyrus , part of the hippocampus .

  6. 2007年,麻省理工大学的科学家肯威路易斯(KenwayLouise)和马修威尔森(MatthewWilson)记录下了老鼠脑内海马体部位的神经细胞活动,而海马体是与记忆的形成转换有关的结构。

    In 2007 , MIT scientists Kenway Louise and Matthew Wilson recorded the activity of neurons in a part of the rat brain called the hippocampus , a structure known to be involved in the formation and encoding of memories .

  7. 在鼠科动物试验中,Baram研究组发现海马体(大脑皮质的一个内褶区,进行学习和记忆的地方)中促肾上腺皮质激素的释放迅速破坏了树突刺,这样便影响了突触对信息的收集和储存。

    In rat and mouse studies , Baram 's group saw that the release of CRH in the hippocampus , the brain 's primary learning and memory center , led to the rapid disintegration of these dendritic spines , which in turn limited the ability of synapses to collect and store memories .

  8. 这应该是“海马体”的缩写吗?

    Is this supposed to be short for " hippocampus " ?

  9. 不幸的是,海马体也对负面刺激高度敏感。

    Unfortunately , the hippocampus is also highly sensitive to negative stimuli .

  10. 如果真是这样,你的海马体也会感激你。

    If so , your hippocampus will thank you .

  11. 海马体的功能之一是对压力作出反应。

    Among other jobs , the hippocampus is involved in responding to stress .

  12. 海马体也会因吸烟而更快的瘪掉。

    The hippocampus also shrivelled faster in smokers .

  13. 研究中的五名健忘患者其海马体都有严重的损伤。

    The five amnesiacs in the study all had serious damage to the hippocampus .

  14. 问题出在负责形成记忆的大脑区域海马体身上。

    The problem stems from the hippocampus , the brain region responsible for memory formation .

  15. 最为的是,它缩小了前额叶皮质和海马体的体积。

    Most significantly of all , it shrinks the volume of the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus .

  16. 他们是与十名海马体都没有损伤的对照组相比较的。

    They were compared with a control group of ten men who had no injury to their hippocampus .

  17. 认知开始于海马体,它是大脑中的一个区域,对人类获取知识有着十分重要的作用。

    Learning happens in the hippocampus , a brain region that plays a key role in acquiring memories .

  18. 男性更多会用到海马体,而女性很大程度上会使用额叶区。

    The men used the hippocampus more , whereas women used their frontal areas to a greater extent .

  19. 第三步由一系列的等纬度圈的重心来获得三维海马体的中轴线。

    Thirdly , the body axis of the hippocampus was got by the barycenter of a series of latitude circles .

  20. 语言学习者大脑的海马体和大脑皮质的某些部位增长显著。

    The brains of the language learners exhibited significant new growth in the hippocampus and in parts of the cerebral cortex .

  21. 因此,本文提出了一种基于形状特征的参数化方法,用于脑部海马体的香蕉形状的三维物体结构的统计形状分析。

    In the paper , we propose a shape-character-derived parameterization method for statistical shape analysis of banana like tree dimensional objects structure .

  22. 这一系列经纬线及其坐标就构成了表征海马体形状结构的参数化表面模型。

    Lastly , this series of latitude and longitude lines and their coordinates formed parameterized shape surface model to represent the hippocampus .

  23. 比列达和同事发现,异种共生过程之后,老龄鼠海马体中的神经元长出了新的联结。

    After parabiosis , Dr. Villeda and his colleagues found that the neurons in the hippocampus of the old mice sprouted new connections .

  24. 此前,有研究表明,大脑将新记忆暂时储存在海马体中,而海马体不能马上“吸收”。

    Fresh memories , stored temporarily in a region of the brain called the hippocampus , do not gel immediately , earlier research showed .

  25. 或许,当我们还很小的时候,海马体尚未发育成熟,因此我们无法对一件事情形成丰富的记忆。

    Perhaps , when we 're very young , the hippocampus simply isn 't developed enough to build a rich memory of an event .

  26. 能够促进神经形成的运动同样地能够加速陈旧记忆从海马体中清除出去的速度。

    Running on an exercise wheel , which boosts neurogenesis , also sped the rate at which old memories were cleared from the hippocampus .

  27. 视频解释称,在运动过程中,海马体高度活跃,海马体是大脑中负责学习和记忆的区域。

    During exercise , the video explains , the hippocampus is highly active , and this region of the brain is responsible for learning and memory .

  28. 沃克教授说,在被发送到“记忆档案柜”&大脑的前额皮质之前,以事实为基础的记忆暂时储存在海马体中。

    Prof Walker said that fact-based memories are temporarily stored in the hippocampus before being sent to the brain 's prefrontal cortex , the filing cabinet of the mind .

  29. 接受幼龄鼠的血液之后,老龄鼠的海马体就会大量产生新的神经元。海马体是大脑中的一个区域,对记忆的形成具有关键作用。

    When old mice received young blood , they had a burst of new neurons in the hippocampus , a region of the brain that is crucial for forming memories .

  30. 在海马体中一个被认为是与空间感知有关的区域在成年时仍可以产生神经细胞,而这些细胞的产生和存活受激素的影响。

    In the hippocampus , an area thought to be involved in spatial learning , new nerve cells can be born in an adult and hormones influence their birth and survival .