
  • 网络ocean dispersion
  1. 石油在海洋中扩散漂移的研讨

    A study on the diffusion and drift of oil on the sea

  2. 诺瓦东南大学的研究人员发现了导致外来海洋生物扩散的罕见原因——飓风。

    Researchers from Nova Southeastern University have found an unlikely cause of the proliferation of invasive marine species - hurricanes .

  3. 污水海洋处置稀释扩散河工模型试验装置

    Research on Model Test Equipment for Sewage Dilution and Diffusion of Ocean Disposal

  4. 基于Taylor(1921)提出的湍流扩散理论,讨论了海洋中湍流的扩散机制,对如何确定海流中的湍流成份进行了论述。

    Based on Taylor 's turbulent diffusion theorem ( 1921 ) , presented in this paper were a discussion on the diffusion mechanics of marine turbulent flow and the determination of turbulent components in the ocean .

  5. 污染物在海洋中输运扩散的试验技术和方法

    Experimental technique and method of transport and diffusion of pollutants in the ocean

  6. 近岸水体的混合(平流和扩散)是物质输送的重要过程,其认识对建立海水溶质输运模型、评估海洋的自净能力,以及研究海洋的稀释扩散系数等具有重要意义。

    Diffusion and advection are two important mechanisms of material transport in coastal and marine waters . They are significant in studying seawater solute transport , the assessment of self-purification capacity of the ocean , and the evaluation of eddy diffusion process in the ocean .

  7. 根据近年来对海洋溢油污染的研究,详细介绍溢油进入海洋环境的扩散、挥发、溶解、分散及乳化等过程,并进而阐述了对海洋环境的影响。

    On the basis of research of ocean oil spill pollution in recent years the paper introduces in detail the diffusion , volatilization , dissolution , dispersion and emulsification of oil spill entering into ocean environment and illustrates their influence on ocean environment .