
hǎi hé
  • the Haihe River
海河 [hǎi hé]
  • [Haihe River] 中国华北地区最大水系,在天津注入渤海。海河干流长73公里,为五大河(潮白河、永定河、大清河、子牙河、大运河)汇合而成。流域总面积26.5万平方公里

海河[hǎi hé]
  1. 它位于中国天津海河的一座桥上。

    It lies on a bridge over the Haihe River in Tianjin , China .

  2. 本文通过对海河流域土壤中氮及其形态含量的研究分析结果,得出该流域土壤中氮的库存量为5.96×10 ̄(10)kg。

    He inventory of nitrogen in soil in the Haihe River Basin was estimated at 5.96 × 10  ̄( 10 ) kg , based on the analytical results available for each of the possible species of nitrogen pre-sent .

  3. 大运河在天津与海河汇合。

    The Grand Canal joins the Haihe at Tianjin .

  4. 预计8月中下旬,黄河、海河、长江部分河段可能发生超警洪水,台风降雨可能引发区域性暴雨洪水。近期我国西南、长江中下游等地局部暴雨洪水频发。

    Water levels are likely to exceed the warning levels in some sections of the Yellow River , Yangtze River and Haihe River in mid-to-late August , with typhoons triggering regional downpours and floods .

  5. 海河流域ET0演变规律及灵敏度分析

    Potential evapotranspiration evolution rule and its sensitivity analysis in Haihe River basin

  6. pH和盐度对海河干流表层沉积物吸附解吸磷(P)的影响

    Effects of pH and salinity on phosphorus sorption and desorption in the surface sediments of the mainstream of the Haihe River

  7. 对海河流域平原地区在灌溉条件下N、P形态转化和淋失进行了研究。

    The N , P form conversion and leaching under the condition of irrigation in the plain area of Haihe River basin were investigated .

  8. 基于MODIS的海河流域生态系统空间格局

    Spatial pattern of ecosystems in Haihe River Basin based on MODIS data

  9. 海河水体和表层沉积物中DDT污染物均以好氧生物降解为主。

    DDTs were mainly aerobic biodegraded in water and surface sediment in Haihe River .

  10. SWAT水质模块的扩展及其在海河流域典型区的应用

    Extended Water Quality Module of SWAT Model and Its Application to Hai River Basin

  11. 基于MODIS数据估算海河流域植被生态用水方法探讨

    Study on estimation of regional vegetation water usage measure based on MODIS data in the Hai River Basin

  12. 海河河口表层沉积物中PCBs和OCPs的源解析

    Source apportionment of polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in surface sediments of Haihe Estuary

  13. 逻辑框架法在GEF海河项目评估中的应用分析

    Application of logical framework approach in appraisal of GEF Haihe River Project

  14. 对海河流域蒸散发进行了流域尺度的验证,水量平衡计算蒸散发与相应年份的1km分辨率遥感反演ET进行比较,两者的相对误差在18%以内。

    Comparison between ET of Water balance and remote sensing , their errors is within 18 % .

  15. DDTs在海河干流市区段沉积物/水间迁移行为研究

    DDTs Transport Between Sediment and Water in the Mainstream of Haihe River in the Urban Area

  16. 海河干流流域内的工业废水排放等陆源输入可能是渤海湾中PCBs和OCPs的重要来源。

    Mostly , the PCBs , HCHs and DDTs in the Bohai Bay are from terrestrial input by Haihe River .

  17. 与国内外部分河流表层沉积物中HCHs、DDTs的含量相比,海河和大沽排污河沉积物中有机氯农药含量较高。

    HCHs and DDTs in those sediment samples were higher than normally found in sediments of domestic and foreign rivers .

  18. 渤海湾中NP和OP的浓度要远远低于海河,但是海水稀释不是造成其浓度降低的唯一原因。

    In the Bohai Bay , NP and OP concentrations were far lower than those in Haihe River ; but the dilution of sea water was not the only cause of its concentration lowering .

  19. 研究了海河河口水在不同条件下对三丁基锡(TBT)的降解作用。不同条件下TBT的降解半衰期为5.7天~84.5天。

    The degradation effects of tributyltin ( TBT ) by estuarine water under various conditions were studied , the half time of TBT in estuarine water being 5 7 ~ 84 5 day .

  20. 海河各粒级复合体上Cu、Pb、Cd的含量明显高于渤海湾中各粒级相应的重金属含量,平均是渤海湾的2倍左右,Cr在海河与渤海湾各粒级含量相对来说比较接近。

    The contents of Cu , Pb and Cd in different grain-size aggregates in Haihe River are two times higher than that in Bohai Bay on average , while the content of Cr in different grain-size aggregates is comparatively similar to the content in Bohai Bay .

  21. 研究成果对于SWAT模型在国内的应用和推广,具有很好的示范性。也为海河全流域分布式水文模型的研制奠定了基础。

    The study results in this paper make a good demonstration for applying SWAT model in China , and lay a good foundation for establishment of whole Hai River basin distributed hydrological model .

  22. 研究结果如下:(1)OCPs在海河表层沉积物及水/沉积物界面层中的生物降解过程均符合一级动力学。

    The results obtained in this work are as follows : ( 1 ) The process of OCPs biodegradation in both sediments and the water-sediment interface followed a first-order kinetic .

  23. 本文对B1线隧道与海河隧道交叉基坑开挖施工工况进行了数值模拟,并且结合现场监测数据,对交叉型基坑开挖的变形特性作了一定的分析。

    This paper evaluates finite element analysis of the Haihe river tunnel and B1 line tunnel cross-shaped excavation engineering , and analyzes the deformation characteristics of the cross-shaped foundation pit excavation , combining with the monitoring data .

  24. 建立了水和沉积物中五氯酚(PCP)的LC-ESI-MS分析方法,并调查了海河流域以及渤海湾水体和沉积物中PCP的污染状况。

    This paper established the LC-ESI-MS method to analyze pentachlorophenol ( PCP ) in water and sediment samples , and then investigated the occurance of PCP in Haihe basin and Bohai bay .

  25. 此外海河公园和Wanghailou教会加强海河流域的美很多。

    In addition Haihe River Park and Wanghailou Church enhance Haihe River 's beauty in great deal .

  26. 淮河流域的可持续发展及行蓄洪区的移民安置DDTs在海河干流市区段沉积物/水间迁移行为研究

    Sustainable Development of Huaihe River Basin and Arrangement for Moving Residents in Flood Approach and Storage Zone ; DDTs Transport Between Sediment and Water in the Mainstream of Haihe River in the Urban Area

  27. 利用英国巴廷敦(Bartington)MS2型双频率感应磁化率仪测定分析了海河低平原盐渍区4个剖面土壤磁学性质。

    A magnetic property of soils in saline region , lower Haihe Plain , was determined by means of a Bartington Meter ( Model MS2 ) .

  28. 结果表明,海河的污染较严重,各断面的水质等级均在IV级和V级的水平,主要的污染因子为NH3N、NO2N以及有机物污染。

    The results showed that the pollution at Haihe river was severe . The rank of water quality at all monitoring site were between IV and V grade . The main pollution factors were NH 3 N , NO 2 N and organic contaminants .

  29. 总结河道生态需水量已有的计算方法和适用条件,根据山东省海河流域平原河道的特点,利用Tennant法等方法计算出山东省海河流域河道内生态的最小需水量。

    Tally up the course of river ecosystem needs the calculation method that the amount of water already has and applies the condition , according to the characteristics of the province sea river area plain course of river of Shandong , the least that makes use of Tennant method etc.

  30. 面雨量计算方法及其在海河流域的应用

    Method of Area Rainfall Calculation and Its Application to Haihe Valley