
  • 网络Root chakra;Muladhara;Base Chakra;mooladhara;Muladhara Cakra
  1. 然后我会观想从我的海底轮(尾骨区域)伸出一条明亮的光索去与盖亚连结。

    Then I visualize a clear cord or clear rope coming from my root chakra ( tail bone area ) and entering Gaia .

  2. 他说,海底轮是位于脊椎底部的能量点,与原始生存需求相关。

    The root chakra , an energy point located at the base of the spine , is associated with primitive survival needs , he says .

  3. 你可以将手敷放在每个主要的脉轮上面,从你的海底轮开始,并且想像它的主色调是红色。

    You can cup your hands over the location of each of your major chakras , starting with your root chakra and thinking of it in its primary color of red .

  4. 博加特说:金德的东西有突破性,令人着迷,有时候能让我认识到人们在金钱方面是否卡在了海底轮上。

    ' George Kinder 's stuff is groundbreaking and fascinating . Sometimes it makes me aware if people are stuck in the root chakra with their money issues , ' says Mr. Bogart .

  5. 博加特说:“金德的东西有突破性,令人着迷,有时候能让我认识到人们在金钱方面是否卡在了海底轮上。”他说,海底轮是位于脊椎底部的能量点,与原始生存需求相关。

    George Kinder 's stuff is groundbreaking and fascinating . Sometimes it makes me aware if people are stuck in the root chakra with their money issues , ' says Mr. Bogart . The root chakra , an energy point located at the base of the spine , is associated with primitive survival needs , he says .