
  • 网络Haiti
  1. 对于刚发生地震的海地共和国来说,对灾区人员进行紧急救护的同时,就需要进行必要的心理危机干预救助。

    While making the emergency aid to people in the affected area after the earthquake , the Republic of Haiti also need to take the psycho crisis intervention and assistance .

  2. 更多关于克理奥尔身份认同的讨论。海地相对于多明尼加共和国。

    More on Creole Identities . Haiti vs. the Dominican Republic .

  3. 今年1月海地地震是该国的人道主义灾难。

    January 's earthquake in Haiti was a humanitarian catastrophefor the country .

  4. 厄立特里亚、尼日尔、科摩罗、海地和利比里亚等国所遭受的影响尤其严重。

    Countries such as Eritrea , Niger , Comoros , Haiti and Liberia are particularly affected .

  5. 飓风迪安袭击了加勒比海岛屿,海地;多米尼加共和国以及牙买加都发出了飓风警报。

    Hurricane warnings for haiti , Dominica Republic and jamaica , as Hurricane Dean bears down on the Caribbean islands .

  6. 在海地与多米尼加共和国边境地区设立的自由贸易区吸引了多家美国服装公司,创造了数千个就业岗位。

    A free-trade zone near the border with the Dominican Republic has attracted American apparel companies , creating thousands of jobs .

  7. 海地政府和捐款国通过参考震灾损失和重建需求评估,可以决定资金援助总额和重点援助领域。

    Such damage and reconstruction needs assessments are used by the government and donors to determine the amount of financial assistance needed and how it will be targeted .

  8. 在美洲,在尼加拉瓜边境地区、苏里南与法属几内亚交界处和海地与多米尼加共和国交界地区,目前正在开展区域性发起活动。

    In the Americas , regional launching events are being held in border areas of Nicaragua , between Suriname and French Guyana , and between Haiti and the Dominican Republic .

  9. 在海地和多米尼加共和国发生的强烈地震已造成巨大破坏,其中医院和卫生设施也遭到严重毁坏,恐怕会有大量人员伤亡。

    The severe earthquake that struck Haiti and the Dominican Republic has inflicted large-scale damage , including on hospitals and health facilities , and large numbers of casualties are feared .

  10. 海地警方、联合国以及红十字会的车辆都帮助民众把伤者运往医院,但由于道路上布满了巨大的石块而难以前行。

    Haitian police vehicles as well as those from the United Nations and the Red Cross tried to ferry the wounded to hospital , but progress was slow as chunks of rubble lay strewn across the roads .

  11. 蕾哈娜和她的基金会也将帮助当地的食品银行,为美国的高危社区和老年人服务,加快海地和马拉维等国的检测工作,还会为抗击病毒研发疫苗的医学专业人员和诊断实验室工作人员提供防护设备。

    Rihanna and her foundation will also aim to help local food banks serve at-risk communities and the elderly in the United States , accelerate testing efforts in countries such as Haiti and Malawi , and aim to provide protective equipment for medical professional and diagnostic lab workers who are working to develop vaccines to combat the virus .

  12. 我们对海地人民、世行在海地的工作人员以及在海地工作的联合国同时深表关切。

    Our thoughts are with the people of Haiti , our staff , and our UN colleagues .