
  • 网络western zhejiang
  1. 浙西中生代岩浆岩特征及其与铀矿的关系

    Characteristics of Mesozoic Magmatic Rocks in Western Zhejiang and their relation with uranium mineralization

  2. 浙西山地马尾松幼龄林的绿色生物量和叶面积指数

    Green Biomass and Leaf Area Index of Young Masson Pine Forest in Western Zhejiang Mountains

  3. 对黔南、浙西新元古代碳酸盐盖帽碳氧同位素研究表明,δ13C负异常是甲烷渗漏和海水翻腾共同作用的结果。

    The author 's study indicates that the negative excursions of carbon isotopic compositions of Neoproterozoic cap carbonates in southern Guizhou and western Zhejiang resulted from the combined action of destabilization of gas hydrate and overturning of sea water .

  4. 本文利用美国PSU/NCAR中尺度模式(MM4)对1991年7月4&5日浙西皖南山区的大暴雨过程进行了地形作用的数值模拟对比试验。

    By use of the mesoscale model ( MM4 ) from PSU / NCAR , a strong rainfall event during 4-5 July 1991 in the mountain area of the Zhejiang-Anhui provinces is simulated .

  5. 韩佳,浙西大峡谷到底有多长啊?

    Han Jia , how long is the Zhexi Grand Canyon ?

  6. 浙西南元古宙硅铁矿的初步研究

    A preliminary study on ferrosilicium from the proterozoic , Southwestern Zhejiang Province

  7. 长江中下游、浙西地区的上石炭统

    Upper Carboniferous strata in middle and lower Yangtze Valley and WSET Zhejiang

  8. 浙西竹类资源调查研究

    Investigation on the Bamboo Resources in the west of Zhejiang

  9. 浙西南柑橘园杂草种群分布特点研究

    Distribution Features of Weeds Communities in Citrus Orchard of Southwest Zhejiang Province

  10. 浙西生态保护区森林对径流量影响

    Influence of Ecological Region Forest in the West Zhejiang on Run-off Amount

  11. 或者,公司还可以将浙西资金再次投资到生意中。

    Or the company might reinvest the money back into the business .

  12. 浙西南山区蝴蝶种类调查

    Investigation on Butterfly in Southwest Mountain Area of Zhejiang

  13. 木材在浙西地区室内装饰的应用初探

    Primary Study on Wood Applied in the Interior Decoration in West Zhejiang District

  14. 浙西北杉木林合理密度表编制

    Inquiry to Rational Density Table of Cunninghamia lanceolata Forest in Northwest of Zhejiang

  15. 《词综》是浙西词派的旗帜。

    Cizong was the banner of Zhexi Ci shool .

  16. 浙西上奥陶统复理石韵律的马尔可夫链模拟

    Markov chain simulation on flysch rhythmic sequences of the upper Ordovician in West Zhejiang

  17. 浙西的加里东运动

    The Caledonian movement in western part of Zhejiang

  18. 浙西南山区百合栽培技术研究

    Research on the Cultivation Technique of Lily in Southwest Mountainous Areas of Zhejiang Province

  19. 浙西南山区乡土阔叶树种资源的调查研究及利用

    Study and Exploration of Native Broadleaf Trees Resources in the Mountain Area of Southwestern Zhejiang

  20. 那就是浙西大峡谷的白云人家。

    They are the so-called White-Cloud Houses .

  21. 浙西梅汛期降水特点和变化规律及异常降水环流特征对比分析近50年浙江梅汛期降水分布的时空及环流特征

    The Circulation Features and Spatial-Temporal Characteristic Of Meiyu Distributions In Zhejiang In Recent 50 Years

  22. 水电开发对旅游的影响及其对策&以华光潭水电站和浙西大峡谷为例

    The Influence of Hydroelectric Development on Tour

  23. 试论浙西红壤旱地持续农业中的土壤培肥问题江西红壤丘陵区发展持续农业的对策

    The Countermeasure for the Sustaining Agriculture of the Red Soil Hilly Area of Jiangxi Province

  24. 浙西南速生工业原料林阔叶树种评价与选择研究

    Evaluation and Selection of Broad Leaved Tree Species for Fast-Growing Industrial Plantation in Southwest Zhejiang

  25. 金衢盆地发育于浙西钱塘台拗和浙东华夏褶皱带接洽部位,受北东向和东西向断裂联合制约。

    Jin-Qu Basin is situated at the junction of west-Zhejiang Qiantang syncline and east-Zhejiang folded zone .

  26. 分析表明,浙西梅汛期降水与春季南半球环流较强相关。

    The analysis indicated western Zhejiang plum flood season precipitation and spring southern hemisphere circulation closely correlated .

  27. 浙西&赣东北地区中元古代晚期为华夏古陆的活动陆缘;

    The western Zhejiang-northeastern Jiangxi area was the active continent margin of Cathaysia in the late Mesoproterozoic .

  28. 浙西寒武系底部黑色岩系含矿性和有用组分的赋存状态

    Ore potential and modes of occurrence of associated elements in lower Cambrian black shale of Western Zhejiang

  29. 皖南浙西晚震旦世至早寒武世硅岩物源与环境类型初探

    Origins and environment types of chert in Western Zhejiang and southern Anhui from late Sinian to Early Cambrian

  30. 唐宋政府对浙西水利的有效经营,保障了其经济的发展。

    Tang and Song Dynasties government in western Zhejiang with effective water management , protection their economic development .