
qiǎn jǐng
  • Shallow well;shallow shaft
浅井[qiǎn jǐng]
  1. 浅井测试时,P-T封隔器与MFE配合使用容易在开关井操作时提松封隔器。

    The cooperating application of P-T packer and MFE tester is easy to make packer loose at closing operation when conducting test in shallow well .

  2. 现场试验表明,对于1000m左右的浅井,在气产量低至1000m3/d左右时,仍适合采取泡排工艺;

    The field experiment indicate that the wells that depth is about 1000 m , gas yield is about 1000 m3 / d , adopt to the foam carrier technique ;

  3. 在井深27米激发,采用GSE-201型检波器为宜:在采用4.5米×5的浅井组合条件下,也要使用SJ-1型检波器才能得到较好的效果。

    And that in the case of shallow hole pattern shooting in the configuration of 4.5m × 5 , better result can be obtained with SJ-1 geophone .

  4. 浅井薄层稠油油藏注蒸汽开采

    Steam Injection Recovery for Thin-bedded Heavy Oil Reservoir in Shallow Wells

  5. 吉林油田浅井及压力异常井测试方法

    Well Test Methods for Shallow Wells and Wells with Abnormal Pressure in Jilin Oilfield

  6. 我在近江与浅井对战时。

    While I fight Lord asai .

  7. 咸淡混浇井组中的浅井设计

    Shallow Shaft Design in Brackish-Mixed Well

  8. 这次革命主要是旱田耕作而以泉水和人工开挖浅井提供生活用水。

    This revolution was primarily a dry farming operation with springs and shallow hand-dug wells supplying domestic needs .

  9. 而浅井系统的环境噪声较高,但获得的信号非常接近原始波形。

    Though the environmental noise of a shallow-well system is higher , the obtained signals are very much close to the original wave forms .

  10. 与其花许多时间和精力凿许多浅井,不如花同样的多的时间和精力去凿一口井。

    When one wastes much time and energy sinking many shallow wells , it is better for him to spend the same time and energy diggine a deep one .

  11. 该系统以其强大的功能,可广泛用于地质勘探、煤田测井、浅井石油勘探、工程地质勘探等各个领域。

    For its powerful functions , the system can be widely applied to geological exploration , coal field well logging , shallow oil-well exploration , engineering geological exploration and so on .

  12. 6个浅井的120个样品表明,南盘江盆地中下泥盆统烃源岩有机碳含量为0.37%~3.63%,平均值为1.65%;

    120 samples from 6 shallow wells indicate that , source rocks of the Middle and Lower Devonian have a total carbon content varying from 0.37 % to ( 3.63 % ) with an average of 1.65 % .

  13. 辽河油田区块分散,许多区块的压裂井远离基地,从配液站运输压裂液到井站费时费力,能够在低温浅井现场配液是一种很好的方法。

    Oil wells in Liaohe Oilfield are quite scattered and many wells are far away from the base , so it is very difficult to transport the fracturing fluid to the frac-wells , so on-site mixing of frac-fluid for the low temperature shallow wells is the best option .

  14. 文章从钻遇地层岩性、储层特征和浅井钻井工艺特点分析入手,对聚合物钻井液进行的综合评价,筛选出适合浅层气开发的钾胺聚合物钻井液。

    A comprehensive evaluation was carried out for the polymer drilling fluids and the methylamine polymer drilling fluid suitable for the shallow gas reservoir development was selected in view of the lithology of the stata drilled , the reservoir features , and the characteristics of shallow well drilling technology .