
liú zhuǎn
  • wander about;roam;be on the move;circulation;circulation (of goods or capital)
流转 [liú zhuǎn]
  • [wander about] 流落转徙

  • 众生迷惑常流转

  • [circulation (of goods or capital)] 流通周转

  • 加快资金流转

流转[liú zhuǎn]
  1. 通过SAP系统的应用使得企业业务流、信息流、资金流在ERP中高速流转又相互依存,业务流程和价值链实现了高度自动化,运作效率与管理水平大幅提升。

    Through used SAP system , makes the enterprise of business flow , information flow and cash flow high-speed roam as well as interdependent in ERP system , business processes and value chain realized highly automatization , operation efficiency and management level large increases .

  2. 这种现象说明我国人地关系紧张,必须要大力推动农地合理流转。

    This phenomenon explains our country of insecurity of person land concern , must vigorously promoting land reasonable be on the move .

  3. 圆盘上色彩流转,反射到后面的墙上。

    The colours rotated round on a disc and were reflected onto the wall behind .

  4. 资金流转失灵。

    The circulation of funds has broken down .

  5. NET的C开发工具实现了DSA数字签名技术,保证了电子公文流转的安全性。

    NET , and to assure the security of electronic official document s circulation .

  6. 港口单证流转过程中应用EDI的时间效益量化分析

    Quantification Analysis on the Timed Benefit of EDI 's Application in Port Bills ' Circulation

  7. 首先分析了PDM动态文档的流转问题,给出了一种PDM动态文档的流转机制。

    The question of dynamic document in PDM was analyzed and a diverting mechanism of the document in PDM was presented .

  8. 在交易过程中,消费者、商家、企业、中间结构和银行等都需要通过Internet网络进行资金的流转,这就需要通过网络支付或电子支付的手段来实现。

    In the transaction process , consumers , businesses , enterprises , banks and so the middle of the structure and needs of Internet network through the transfer of funds , which requires payment or electronic payment through the network means to achieve .

  9. 其中工作流引擎主要包括任务调度器,XML解析器,任务管理器,资源管理器以及过程实例管理器来协调完成流程的调度,保证流程按事先的流程顺序正确流转。

    In the workflow engine module , processes schedule is implemented by co-operations of task scheduler and XML parser , task manager , resource manager , and workflow instance manager to make process circulate properly according to the order in advance .

  10. 针对办公自动化(OA)中所具有的文件流转批阅、传阅功能,结合原有MIS系统进行二次开发,实现在MIS系统中溶入OA的相关功能。

    In order to fuse some functions in OA ( Office Automation ) in MIS ( Management Information System ), such as file going around and passing round for perusal , the secondary tap is made in intrinsic MIS .

  11. 进一步从生态效益、经济效益和社会效益三方面入手构建了农村土地信托流转效果评价指标体系,并基于AHP层次分析法建立了模糊综合评价模型,提供了评价土地信托流转效果的方法。

    Further the article designs evaluation index system of land trust from ecological benefit , economical benefit and social benefit , establishes the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model based on the analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ), and provides evaluation methods of land trust .

  12. 采用PDA进行移动式数据采集及计算可以减少农电管理过程中的信息流转环节,将计算机管理前推至工作现场,解决先实物后补管理的矛盾;

    Using PDA to carry on the motion type data acquisition and the computation may reduce information stream link in the agricultural electricity management process , push the computer management before job site , the solution first in kind replacement management contradiction .

  13. 运用四川联合大学高速水力学国家重点实验室所属的丹麦DANTEC公司生产的二维激光光纤测速及动态粒子分析系统,测量了圆管流转过程中的速度分布,所测雷诺数范围为2000~3750。

    Using 2 - D Laser Fiber Velocimeter Dynamic Particle Analysis System produced by DANTEC Corp. , Denmark , of State Key Hydraulics Lab.

  14. 关于进一步深化流转税改革的若干设想

    Some Tentative Ideas about Further Deepening the Reform of Turnover Tax

  15. 集体土地使用权流转分析及对策

    The Circulation Analysis and Countermeasures of Right to Ues Collective Land

  16. 当前农村土地使用权流转的分析与思考

    Analysis and Research on Farmland Circulation in Rural Areas at Present

  17. 农地城市流转及其决策研究

    Study on Land Conversion from Rural to Urban Areas and Its Decision-making

  18. 福建省农地使用权流转问题的探讨

    The transfer of right of use of farmland in Fujian

  19. 农村土地使用权流转的现状与对策

    Current status and the countermeasures of transfer of rural land use right

  20. 加快西部地区农村土地流转的对策

    Countermeasure of accelerating the circulation of land in Western Countryside

  21. 指尖流转的文学新宠&手机文学

    Cell Phone Literature : New Popular Literature on Finger Tips

  22. 农地城市流转合理配置的可能性边界分析

    A Analysis of Rational Collocation 's Possibility Frontier of Rural-urban Land Conversion

  23. 该理论对当前集体建设用地的流转制度创新具有一定的指导意义。

    This theory can be used for reference in the land transference .

  24. 论土地承包经营权流转制度及其完善

    The System of Shifting the Land Contracting Right of Management

  25. 论我国农村土地使用权的流转

    On Circulation of Right of Land Use in China Countryside

  26. 农地流转价格低廉;

    2 > the low price of the flowing and transferring land ;

  27. 浅论农村土地经营权流转的法规制度建设

    On Law and Regulation Construction in Conversion of Rural Land Managerial Power

  28. 五是探索土地流转模式,推进集约化生产。

    Five is to explore the land transfer mode , promoting intensive production .

  29. 农地流转、地方政府和制度实施

    Rural Land Circulation , Local Government and Institutional Implementation

  30. 公文流转中复杂工作流程的通用设计

    The General Designer of Complex WorkFlow in Document Process