
liú máng
  • rogue;hooligan;hooliganism;hoodlum;scoundrel;ruffian;delinquent;loafer;bully boy;badmash;gagster;immoral behavior;skelm
流氓 [liú máng]
  • (1) [rogue;hoodlum;ganster;hooligan;loafer; scoundrel]∶指无固定工作、经常寻衅闹事的人

  • 流氓团伙

  • (2) [immoral behavior;hooliganism]∶恶劣下流的行为

  • 耍流氓

流氓[liú máng]
  1. 全国的计算机系统都感染了一系列诡异的流氓程序,即病毒。

    Computer systems throughout the country are being affected by a series of mysterious rogue programs , known as viruses

  2. 那个流氓诬赖那个年轻人,一口咬定他是小偷。

    The rogue swore against the young man , saying he was a thief .

  3. 我无法理解足球流氓的心态。

    I cannot understand the mentality of football hooligans .

  4. 那个团伙常常耍流氓。

    The group have frequently used bully-boy tactics .

  5. 那帮流氓把他着实毒打了一顿。

    The gang gave him a real going-over .

  6. 一群群醉醺醺的小流氓砸碎商店的橱窗,还投掷石块。

    Groups of drunken hooligans smashed shop windows and threw stones .

  7. 有些人指控税务稽查员使用了流氓手段。

    Some people accuse the tax inspectors of bully-boy tactics .

  8. 这其中另一个未言明的担忧是足球流氓可能突然闹事。

    The other unspoken fear here is of an outbreak of hooliganism .

  9. 他认为,那些小流氓行为不端是因为缺少家教。

    He blamed lack of parental control for the young tearaways ' behaviour .

  10. 有个小流氓昨晚扎了她一刀。

    Some punk stuck a knife in her last night

  11. 很多暴力事件是流氓团伙成员暗中策划的。

    Gang members were behind a lot of the violence

  12. 还有其他形式的民众骚乱,最出名的是足球流氓行为。

    There are other forms of civil disorder — most notably , football hooliganism .

  13. 他是个流氓!无赖!

    He 's a scoundrel ! A cad !

  14. 我当然知道麦克斯是个无赖,是个小流氓。

    Of course I knew Max was a rogue , a bit of a pirate .

  15. 这真是流氓至极。

    This is the height of hooliganism .

  16. 在利兹举办的一场演唱会上,一些小流氓朝他们吐口水,扔啤酒罐。

    At a concert in Leeds , some punks gobbed at them and threw beer cans .

  17. 这伙小流氓把我痛打了一顿。

    The gang worked me over .

  18. 今后人们去看足球比赛时可以不必担心会受到足球流氓的骚扰。

    In the future people can go to a football match knowing that they are safe from hooliganism

  19. 然后一个声音大叫道:“赶紧停下!我会杀了你的,你这个小流氓!”

    Then a voice bawled : ' Lay off ! I 'll kill you , you little rascal ! '

  20. 我是足球迷,经常要解释我不是那种足球流氓,因为一旦出事,我们就会被当成是一路货色。

    I am a football supporter and I have to often explain that I 'm not one of the hooligan sort because we 'll all get tarred with the same brush when there 's trouble .

  21. 对那个嚣张的流氓已给予严厉惩处。

    The severe punishment was meted out to the unruly hooligan .

  22. 他竟在众目睽睽之下犯下了流氓罪。

    He committed hooliganism even under the watchful eyes of the people .

  23. 那伙流氓威胁说要放他的血。

    The hooligans threatened to make him bleed to death .

  24. 别瞪眼叫那流氓溜了。

    Don 't let that hooligan slip away right under your nose .

  25. 你说的是那个偷您东西的流氓水手吗?

    Do you mean that villainous sailor who robbed you ?

  26. 他们的任务是尽快去追捕那些流氓。

    It 's their job to get after the villains as fast as possible .

  27. 他讲起话来一副十足的流氓腔调。

    He speaks like a real gangster .

  28. 他和这帮流氓在一起的时间长了,渐染了一些坏的习气。

    Having been together with this group of hooligans , he has developed some bad habits .

  29. 那伙流氓强迫在该街区开店的老板们每周各捐出6美元。

    The gang forced all the storekeepers on the block to kick over $ 6 a week .

  30. 那位警察在跟流氓打交道时,毫不留情

    That cop pulls no punches in dealing with gangsters .