
  • 网络Zezhou;zezhou county
  1. 泽州县教育局及文化局的电话无人接听。

    Calls to Zezhou County 's education and cultural affairs departments were not answered .

  2. 不轮作倒茬、不深耕、不施农家肥是泽州县旱地小麦生产中存在的主要问题。

    The major problems for dry land wheat production in Zezhou are no rotation reverse cropping , no deep ploughing and no farmyard manure application .

  3. 从两委关系看加强农村基层党组织执政能力建设&山西省泽州县9个村的调查

    Perspectives into Strengthening Ruling Power of the Party Organizations at Rural Grassroots Level

  4. 在分析泽州县煤矿安全问题的基础上,提出了当前地方、乡镇煤矿改善安全状况的对策与措施。

    Based on analyzing the problem of mine safety , the countermeasure and step to improve the present safety situation in local and rural mines were proposed in this paper .

  5. 山西省泽州县一家立人图书馆的负责人翟猛说,当地文化局官员8月对该图书馆实施了两次检查,都“像是冲着境外读物来的”。

    Zhai Meng , who ran a Liren library in Zezhou County , Shanxi Province , said officials from the local cultural affairs department conducted two inspections of the library in August , both " appearing to be targeting foreign publications . "