
zé ɡuó
  • Zeguo;inundated area;land abounding in rivers and lakes
泽国 [zé guó]
  • (1) [a land that abounds in rivers and lakes]∶多水的地区;水乡

  • 泽国用龙节。--《周礼.地官.掌节》

  • 江村夜涨浮天水,泽国秋生动地风。--唐.杜牧《题白云楼》

  • (2) [inundated area]∶遭水淹了的地区

  • 那年发大水,这里成了一片泽国

泽国[zé guó]
  1. 有人担心这会拖垮巴拿马的经济,这个小国的公共债务占GDP总量的71%,而且额外的大坝会使农田成为泽国,使农民迁移并威胁水资源的供应。

    Some feared that it would cripple a small country whose public debt then amounted to71 % of GDP , and that extra dams would flood rural land , displacing peasants and threatening water supplies .

  2. 然而,就在会议召开之时,一场美国历史上最严重且罕见的卡特里娜飓风让新奥尔良市变成一片泽国,更让世界陷入震惊与哀伤,新奥尔良市这个爵士乐之都顷刻间成为恐怖之城。

    New Orleans , the capital of Jazz suddenly became the city of horror .

  3. 雨不停地下,多数地方已成为一片泽国。

    Rain was falling fairly steadily and most of the ground had become a marsh .

  4. 暴雨使该市沦为泽国。

    A rainstorm deluged the city .

  5. 东部多个城镇“社区变泽国”,半个昆士兰州宣布进入灾难状态。预计未来几天降雨仍将持续。

    Half of Queensland has been declared a disaster zone , and more rain is forecast for the next few days .

  6. 就在她预产期的头一天,倾盆大雨把整座城市变成了一片泽国,而有孕在身的她也开始了分娩的阵痛。

    The night before her due date , a torrential downpour drenched the city , and the pregnant Tanzini started having contractions .

  7. 尤其在对浙江风俗区域的划分上,王士性按地理要素将浙江划分为滨海文化区、山谷文化区、泽国文化区。

    He divided Zhejiang Province into coastal culture zone , valley cultural zone and water-land cultural zone according to different geographical features .

  8. 他喝着苦汁,无情的海水前仆后继,定要把他淹没,浩瀚的泽国拿他的垂死挣扎来取乐。

    He drinks in the bitterness , the cowardly ocean attacks him furiously , to drown him , the enormity plays with his agony .

  9. 泽国实验的结果在北京的一次会议上的亮相引来了各方极大的兴趣。

    The results of the Zegou experiment were presented to considerable interest at a Beijing conference ( there have been three other experiments since ) .

  10. 仅在缅甸这个水乡泽国,二战的军民们在日军不断攻击的情况下还是建了几十座桥。

    In water-logged Burma , now known as Myanmar , World War II crews built dozens of bridges , while under constant attack by the Japanese .

  11. 同时,典型的水乡泽国的地域文化环境,育成了荆楚歌谣尚情的柔性品格。

    Meanwhile , the region cultural environment of the typical land that abounds in rivers and lakes , breeds still flexible character of the feeling of Jingchu ballad .

  12. 星期天一大早,是气仙沼港成为一片泽国,燃烧的太平间后的第九天,当地人正准备回去上班。

    EARLY on Sunday , nine days after the port of Kesennuma was turned into a watery , blazing morgue , people are trying to get back to work .

  13. 长江中下游平原地势低平,河湖密布,素有“水乡泽国”之称。

    The Middle and Lower Yangtze Valley Plain is low and flat , densely covered with rivers and lakes , and enjoying the reputation of a " water village " .

  14. 通过古文献的记载,我们可以了解到,古代百越族群就生活在平原低地的水乡泽国,因而产生了与水密切相关的文化要素。

    Through the recording of ancient documents , we can understand the ancient Bai Yue lived in regions of rivers and lakes . So they produced some cultural elements be closely related with water .

  15. 周日和周一的北京,天空湛蓝,街道上基本没有积水,只有几辆被遗弃的汽车提醒着人们,上周六这里曾下过一场的大暴雨,北京城几成泽国,至少37人因暴雨丧生。

    Skies were blue and streets mostly dry on Sunday and Monday in Beijing , with only a scattering of abandoned cars as a reminder of the downpour that caused flooding throughout the sprawling capital and killed at least 37 people on Saturday .