
pō mò
  • splash-ink, a technique of Chinese ink-painting;splash-ink,a technique of Chinese ink-painting
泼墨 [pō mò]
  • [splash-ink,a technique of Chinese ink-painting]中国画的一种画法,将墨挥洒在纸或绢上。墨如泼出,画面气势奔放

泼墨[pō mò]
  1. 弄污用涂料泼墨般洒或涂抹;

    To splash or daub with blobs ; splotch .

  2. 惜墨与泼墨:绘画风格的时代因素探析

    Sparing and Splashing China ink : on the Times Factors in Painting Styles

  3. 宋朝的梁楷,创立泼墨写意人物画。

    Song dynasty , liankai , Institute Chinese wash ink freehand brushwork character .

  4. 泼墨仙人图(绘画)画家们也为之泼墨。

    And artists paint it in pictures .

  5. 泼墨大地&绍兴县明珠文化广场设计原由记

    Painting on the Ground & Designing Experience of the Bright Pearl Cultural Square in Shaoxing County

  6. 你泼墨了墙角残缺的欲言,于是就渲染出一个没有跌宕的夏天。

    You splashed fragmentary words in the corner with ink , and romanced out a summer without gurgitation .

  7. 这里,日光和云雾交错在一起,构成一幅生气勃勃的泼墨山水画。

    The interplay of its sunshine and roiling mists suggests the vitality of a scene from an inkwash scroll ;

  8. 同学们一边享受着夏天里的凉爽,一边感受着夏天泼墨似上午浓率。

    The classmates enjoy the summer simultaneously in of cool , feel the summer splash-ink simultaneously the thick rate of morning .

  9. 人们在历史的伟大卷轴中挥洒泼墨,而自由是这一卷轴中最浓重的基调。

    People in the history of the great reel ink sway , and freedom is the most dense tone of this reel .

  10. 后旅居海外,画风工写结合,重彩、水墨融为一体,尤其是泼墨与泼彩,开创了新的艺术风格。

    After living abroad , style , life and work to write , especially with the ink spilt choi , create splash-ink new artistic style .

  11. 青春是一张最洁白的纸,只有凝神构思,精心泼墨描绘,才能绘画出最绚丽的人生画卷;

    Youth is a most white paper , the idea of only attentively , carefully painted ink to painting the most brilliant picture of life ;

  12. 暗格,做旧,工装,刺绣,甚至是泼墨涂鸦都在新品中得以大范围的运用。

    Concealed , doing old work clothes , embroidery , and even traditional Chinese ink graffiti in a wide range of new products to be in use .

  13. 明天我将要尝试一件从没做过的事情–在广州的一个大型新春宴会上泼墨挥毫。

    Tomorrow I will do something I have not done before – attempt to make Chinese calligraphy on stage at a big New Year 's reception here in Guangzhou .

  14. 落日的余晖将岛上的小山、渔舍笼罩上了一层橘红色的光晕,好似一幅色彩浓郁的泼墨国画。

    Sunset will be the twilight of the hill on the island , fishing on homes over a layer of orange-red glow , like a rich color of the splash-ink painting .

  15. 作品虽然采用泼墨而成,然而浓墨晕染下的花和叶却尽显轻歌曼舞之妙,避开了厚实、沉闷之感。

    The painting is drawn in a splash-ink style . However , blossoms and leaves are portrayed easily , comfortably , and excellently by thick ink , avoiding the depressing feeling .

  16. 在技法上,他大胆的提出三结合的创新论,即:山水和花鸟结合、工笔和写意结合、泼墨和重彩结合。

    In technique , he made bold inventions of three-in-one , that is : landscapes , birds and flowers combined with meticulous and freehand brushwork , ink splashing with thick colors .

  17. 渔猎自然晕化的背景决非在宣纸上泼墨那么轻松写意,于模糊之中显规矩,更好地体现平面和立体间的关系。

    Fishing and hunting background of natural halo of ink and paper , so by no means easy to freehand , were among the fuzzy rules to better reflect the relationship between plane and three-dimensional .

  18. 是的,是的,眼前分明是一幅绚丽多彩、变幻无穷的江山多娇图:既有吞云吐雾、粗狂奔放的泼墨;

    Yes , Yes , is a gorgeous clear eyes , changes in the rivers and mountains more than endless Johnson plans : both desperate for a smoke , rough running of the splash-ink release ;

  19. 所以《泼墨仙人图》的表现方式对现代没骨水墨人物画,无论是理论意义或现实意义在水墨画的空间上或中国画的发展上都有很强的指导性和实践性。

    So " splash-ink celestials drawing " expression way of modern ink painting , whether no bone theoretical significance or practical significance in ink paintings on the space or Chinese paintings on the development of all have strong guidance and practical .