
xiè yào
  • laxative;cathartics;purgative;physic;evacuant;lustramentum;cathartica
泻药 [xiè yào]
  • [purgative] 服用后能引起下泻的药物

泻药[xiè yào]
  1. 早在16世纪镁盐被用作泻药。

    Magnesium were employed as cathartics as early as the 16th century .

  2. 两种泻药做肠道摄片准备的比较

    Comparison of the two cathartics for preparation of photographs in intestinal tract

  3. 内服可用作泻药、健胃药等。

    To be taken orally can use as cathartic , stomachic tonic .

  4. 长期服用泻药组的老年CIC患者其全结肠及分段结肠通过时间较间断服药和不服药者明显延长(P<005);

    Total and segmental transit times of long-term laxative users of elder CIC patients were prolonged than that of intermittent and non-laxative users ( P < 0.05 ) .

  5. 大黄素,泻药:一种橙黄色结晶化合物,C14H4O2(OH)3CH3,取自于大黄和其它植物,用作一种轻泻药。

    An orange crystalline compound , C14H4O2 ( OH ) 3CH3 , obtained from rhubarb and other plants and used as a laxative .

  6. 不同控制液体摄入的意向、HD年数、残余尿量、年龄、经济状况、尿毒症病程、抑郁水平、知识水平及有否服用泻药的HD患者,其依从性比较差异有显著性(P<0.05)。

    There were statistically significant differences in fluid compliance among patients with different fluid control intent , years of HD , residual urine , age , financial status , course of uremia , depression level , knowledge level , and use of cathartic or not ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 如果你便秘的话,你应该吃泻药。

    If you 're constipated , you should take a laxative .

  8. 报道说他开始大量喝水并服用泻药。

    He reportedly started drinking lots of water and taking laxatives .

  9. 它已被证明是一个很好的泻药来源。

    It has been proven as an excellent laxative source .

  10. 它也可以是一种泻药,让效果加倍。

    It can also be a laxative , making it doubly effective .

  11. 医生认为给病人服泻药的时候到了。

    The doctor think it is time that he physic the patient .

  12. 服用泻药患者(大部分为蒽醌类泻药)18例(75.00%);

    18 cases ( 75.00 % ) had used laxatives .

  13. 高岭土和吗啡有时用作腹泻药。

    Kaolin and morphine is sometimes used as a medicine for diarrhoea .

  14. 一种用作黄色颜料和泻药的树胶脂。

    A gum resin used as a yellow pigment and a purgative .

  15. 这是疗效很好的泻药。用来治疗腹泻的药物。

    The medicine was an effective purge . used to treat diarrhea .

  16. 你没朝他的多纳圈上洒泻药?

    You haven 't sprinkled Senokot granules on his doughnut ?

  17. 老年人切忌见腹泻就用止泻药。

    The senior citizen prohibited that sees the diarrhea to use the antidiarrheal .

  18. 巧克力吃太多,就好像吃泻药一样。

    Too much chocolate will act like a laxative .

  19. 它是一种先进的替代泻药政府。

    It is an advanced alternative of laxative administration .

  20. 一种无味无色的粉末,医学上用作泻药。

    The dried rhizomes of this plant , used medicinally as a sedative .

  21. 你可以在他的热巧克力里放泻药

    You could put Ex-Lax in his hot chocolate .

  22. “泻药不治咳嗽!”店主生气的大声说。

    " Ex-Lax won 't cure a cough !" the owner shouted angrily .

  23. 结论:结肠黑变病是良性可逆性疾病,在很大程度上与便秘,滥用泻药有关。

    Conclusion : Melanosis coli is mainly related with constipation and abuse of laxatives .

  24. 方法经直肠腔内超声,检查前一天晚上口服泻药,排出直肠内的粪便。

    Methods The patients is instructed to take oral laxative the day before sonography .

  25. 我们又不用靠泻药过活。

    We c 't all live on laxatives .

  26. 没有明确的证据证明肠道长期问题的出现与刺激性泻药的使用有关。

    No clear-cut evidence exists for long-term bowel problems related to stimulant laxative use .

  27. 在纠正单纯性便秘方面,高纤维膳食的重要性高于轻泻药。

    A high-fibre diet is more important than laxatives in correcting simple intestinal constipation .

  28. 购物也被视为泻药活动,净化你所有的负面情绪。

    Shopping is also deemed as cathartic activity , purging all your negative emotion .

  29. 吃点泻药有助于你将肠胃中的有害物质除去。

    Take some purgative and it will help you purge your bowels of bad matter .

  30. 蓖麻油是一种强泻药。

    Castor oill is a strong purgative .