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  • clay figurine
泥人 [ní rén]
  • [clay figurine] 用粘土捏成的人的形象

  • 彩塑泥人

泥人[ní rén]
  1. 惠山泥人的传统创作观念在中国当代雕塑中的应用

    Application of the Traditional Design Concept of Huishan Clay Figurine on Chinese Contemporary Sculpture

  2. 惠山泥人,是一种植根于民间、取材于民间又为群众所喜闻乐见的传统民间工艺,品类众多,样式繁杂。

    As a type of traditional folk art , Huishan clay figurine comes from among the people and is very popular as well .

  3. 泥人回答木偶说:

    The man made of mud replied :

  4. 有一次,我经过淄河的时候,梦里听见一个泥人和个木偶在河边谈话。

    Once when I was passing the Zi River , I heard in my dream a man made of mud talking with a wooden puppet by the river bank .

  5. 木偶对泥人说:“你原是一块泥土,现在做成泥人了。可是,如果天下起雨来,河里涨了水,那时候,你一定会给水冲坏的!”

    The wooden puppet said to the mud man : " You were formerly2 a lump of earth , now made into a man of mud . But if it rains and the water in the river rises , you will surely be damaged by the water . "

  6. 早期的犹太民间传说中有魔像(golem)的故事,它是一种没有形状的泥人,由人类赋予生命。

    Early Jewish folklore recounted the tale of the golem , a shapeless clay figure brought to life by humans .

  7. 于是为了获得体验,人们就走出门去,花费大把金钱参加“最强泥人”(ToughMudder)国际障碍大赛之类的冒险竞赛。

    So people go out and spend a bunch of money to participate in adventure races like the Tough Mudder , just to have an experience .

  8. 结合MPC水泥固化机理,本着不添加新元素的原则,向泥人张原始泥料中加入凝胶成分磷酸二氢铵(NH4H2PO4)和氧化镁(MgO)。

    With curing mechanism of MPC cement , ammonium dihydrogen phosphate ( NH4H2PO4 ) and magnesium oxide ( MgO ) are added to the original mud gel material without other new elements .

  9. 我们能跟您学习做泥人吗?

    Can we learn how to make clay figurines from you ?

  10. 那你现在可以把这个泥人的真面目告诉我了吧?

    So can you tell me who this clay doll is now ?

  11. 这尊泥人是颇具独创性的作品。果尔达·梅尼是一个有独创性的人。

    The clay figure is a work of great originality .

  12. 不过,这些泥人却成了举世闻名的工艺品。

    Fortunately these clay figurines have become famous handicraft articles .

  13. 在今年初,我们决定拍泥人动画片。

    In the beginning of the year , we decided to do claymation .

  14. 铁有生命的泥人现在和运动员被救出。

    Iron golems are now saved with the player .

  15. 惠山泥人有粗货、细货之分。

    Huishan clay figurines include fine and coarse figurines .

  16. 从泥人张到民族艺术的保护

    The Way in Protection of the Folk Art

  17. 我们让孩子们动手做东西,比如泥人、积木和纸玩具。

    We allow children to construct objects in clay , wood blocks and paper .

  18. 我还做了个泥人儿!

    I have made a mud man !

  19. 论手风琴组曲《惠山泥人印象》的释与奏

    By Accordion Suite " Hui Clay Figurine Impression " " Releases " and " Plays "

  20. 于是这六个小流氓就象六个不象样的小泥人似地一条线地站立在那里。

    and the six dirty little scoundrels stood in a line like so many disreputable statuettes .

  21. 作为一个教师,当他所塑造的泥人开始呼吸时,人们就把他看成是创造者。

    Being a teacher is being present at the creation , when the clay begins to breathe .

  22. 老百姓都喜爱他的作品,亲切地送给他一个昵称:泥人张。

    People liked his clay figurines very much and gave him the nickname of Clay Figurine Zhang .

  23. 而使得天津泥塑大放异彩的,是“泥人张”的彩塑。

    And make Tianjin caly figurines is to shine is famous of Zhang 's Painted caly figurines .

  24. 他从小跟父亲以捏泥人为业,养家糊口。

    In his childhood , he learned from his father how to make clay figurines to make a living .

  25. 惠山泥人在彩塑发展中形成了独自鲜明的艺术风格及特征。

    HuiShan clay dolls have been developed a special artistic style and characteristic in the history of painted sculpture .

  26. 如果你倾向于你的水下植物,塑胶制品,是一个更好的选择,比剪纸,泥人,篆刻,为你。

    If you tend to underwater your plants , plastic is a better choice than terra cotta for you .

  27. 开始时,不时有人连人带车栽进水田里去,弄得浑身上下泥人一般。

    At the beginning , someone accidentally fell into the water field with the cart and was muddied all over .

  28. 惠山泥人造型丰满、简练,夸大头部,着重刻画表情。

    Huishan clay figurines are short in stature , full with big heads , and their facial expressions are vividly depicted .

  29. 每逢过年,在庙会和集市上,人们托个盘子,盘子里放着自己作的泥人到处叫卖。

    At festivals , temple fairs and market fairs , many people sold these clay figurines which were attached to plates .

  30. 其中最著名的是天津的“泥人张”和无锡的惠山泥人。

    The most famous were the Clay Figurine Zhang made in Tianjin and the Huishan clay figurines made in Wuxi , Jiangsu Province .