
  • 网络bubble;bubble dress
  1. 类似理念在宝姿1961(ports1961)服装上得到明显体现,该品牌创意总监蒂亚奇班尼(tiacibani)设计了一款泡泡裙,看上去非常前卫和时尚,还可演变为一件较传统保守的裙装。

    A similar philosophy is apparent over at ports 1961 , where TIA cibani , creative director , has made a bubble skirt that appears avant-garde and trendy and then converts into a more conventional , conservative dress .

  2. Blair很突兀的穿着粉红色的泡泡裙,带着皇冠。这让人觉得这很有可能不是真的!

    Blair is oddly dressed in a pink puffy gown and wearing a crown , which leads people to believe this is NOT real life .

  3. 摩羯:吊带小背心,配上镶有丝带的过膝泡泡裙一定能为你打造出完美的夏日着装。

    Here 's your perfect look : a dropped waist , knee-length bubble-skirt dress with stitched-down pleats and ribbon belt .

  4. 在emporioarmani时装秀上,展示了果汁牛奶冻色彩的礼服和小泡泡迷你裙,有些饰以装饰性蝴蝶结,有些带着很炫的珠边。

    At Emporio Armani , out came a parade of sherbert-tinted party dresses and little bubble miniskirts , some adorned by decorative bows , some sporting Beaded fringes .