
fǎ lǜ jīnɡ jì xué
  • Law and economics;legal economics
  1. 法律经济学学科构建探析

    A Study of the Establishment of Legal Economics as a Discipline

  2. 不动产登记制度的法律经济学分析

    Analysis of Legal Economics of the Registration System of Real Property

  3. WTO机制的法律经济学分析及其对我国的意义

    WTO mechanisms : economic legal analysis and its implication in the Chinese Context

  4. 文章还就中国法律经济学课程的设置提出了若干思路。

    It also discusses the curriculum on Forensic Economics in China .

  5. 关于上市公司引入独立董事制度的法律经济学思考

    Economic Analysis of Law about Introducing Independent Directors into Listed Corporations

  6. 中国反倾销法中公共利益原则及其法律经济学研究

    On the Public Interest of Antidumping and It 's Economic Analysis

  7. 从制度法律经济学到经济分析法学

    From Institutional Law and Economics to Economic Analysis of Law

  8. 从法律经济学的成功看经济法学的危机

    Influence of Law and Economics on the Development of Chinese Economic Law

  9. 《劳动合同法》的立法技艺&一个法律经济学的分析

    Legislative Arts of Labor Contract Law : An Economic Analysis

  10. 但是,法律经济学的研究视角并不统一。

    But there are different perspectives in law and economics .

  11. 科斯是新法律经济学的创始人。

    Coase is the founder of new law and economics .

  12. 新法律经济学:理论流派与反思性评论

    New Economics of Law : Theoretical Schools and Critical Review

  13. 波斯纳法律经济学思想及其可借鉴性

    Posner 's Theory About Economics of Law and Its Service as Reference

  14. 法律经济学视角的犯罪心理分析

    A Criminal Psychological Analysis from the Angle of Legal Economics

  15. 主流范式的危机:法律经济学理论的反思与重整

    The Crisis of Mainstream Paradigm & Introspection and Reforming of Law Economics Theory

  16. 征地、拆迁案的法律经济学分析

    An economic and legal analysis of the cases concerning land requisition and removal

  17. 悬赏广告的法律经济学分析

    An Analysis on the Legal Nature of Reward-offering Advertisements

  18. 论取得时效制度在中国的建立&法律经济学视野下的初步探讨

    The necessity of establishing positive prescription system in China

  19. 萨班斯-奥克斯利法的法律经济学初析

    A Law and Economic Analysis of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act

  20. 法律经济学:历程、思想与启示

    Law Economics : History , Thoughts and Enlightenment

  21. 财产权构造的法律经济学解释

    Law and Economics Interpretation on Property Rights Constitution

  22. 论波斯纳法律经济学的理性假定和效率标准

    On the Rational Hypothesis and Efficiency Standard of Posner 's Economic Analysis of Law

  23. 版权的法律经济学研究

    A Review of Law and Economics on Copyright

  24. 从经济学到法学:法律经济学发展研究

    The Origination and Development of Law and Economics

  25. 法律经济学视角下的国家法和民间法

    State Law and Non-governmental Law in Legal Economics

  26. 效率与公平是一个历久弥新的法律经济学课题。

    Efficiency and fairness is an old and gradually reborn problem about economic laws .

  27. “超载现象”的法律经济学分析

    " Overloading Phenomenon " Legal Economics Analysis

  28. 从法律经济学到实用主义法学

    From Law and Economics to Pragmatic Jurisprudence

  29. 观念交付的法价值初探&从法律经济学基本观点出发

    Preliminary Learning of the Delivery in Mentality & Embarking from the Basic Legal Economic Concepts

  30. 法律经济学研究的目的在于发现涵摄效率与公正的法律。

    The legal economy aims to discover the law which is both efficient and just .