
  • 网络CREDIT AGRICOLE;Credit Agricole SA;Credit Agricole CIB;Credit-Agricole
  1. 最近,法国农业信贷银行(CreditAgricoleSecurities)证券分析师迈克尔•梅奥根据美国各大银行现任CEO任职期间所在银行的股价表现对这些银行业大佬的绩效进行了排名。

    Michael Mayo , a bank analyst at Credit Agricole securities , recently ranked current bank CEOs by the relative performance of their shares during the time since they took over the banks .

  2. 法国农业信贷银行(CreditAgricole)分析师迈克•梅奥质疑在利率这么低的情况下,摩根大通开设分支机构能否继续赚钱。

    Mike Mayo , an analyst at Credit Agricole securities , questioned whether the company could continue to make money opening branches with interest rates so low .

  3. 比如,法国农业信贷银行经济学家达瑞兹·科瓦茨(DariuszKowalczyk)宣称,(由于国际油价和其他商品价格接近历史新高),决策者已经发出明确信号,将会利用货币升值来应对输入性通胀。

    Policymakers have sent a clear message that currency appreciation will be used as a tool to counter imported inflation [ due to near-record global prices for oil and other commodities ] .

  4. 法国农业信贷银行法人治理结构探讨及启示

    The Study of the Corporate Governance Structure of Cr é dit Agricole

  5. 法国农业信贷银行、法国巴黎银行和英国巴克莱银行都在意大利经营零售业务,而且它们希望扩大这些规模以下的业务。

    Cr é dit Agricole , BNP Paribas and Barclays all have Italian retail operations which are subscale and which they hope to expand .

  6. 法国农业信贷银行开始于十九世纪末,是法国政府专门为扶持农业发展而建立的,作为执行国家农业政策的金融工具。

    It was specifically established , in the late 19th century , as a financial instrument to implement French agricultural policies to support the development of agriculture .

  7. 在近20多年里,面对越来越激烈的市场竞争和迅速变化的经济环境,法国农业信贷银行与时俱进。

    In the past 20 years , Credit agricole has developed according to the increasingly fierce market competitions and the rapidly changing economic environment to be stronger and more efficient .

  8. 产品服务的持续创新以及管理方式和结构的调整,使法国农业信贷银行在法国一直保持较大的市场份额,并逐步地发展成全能银行。

    With its continuous innovation of products and sevices as well as the readjustment of management manner and structure , Credit agricole has maintained a comparatively large share of market , and has gradually developed into an universal bank .

  9. 而法国农业信贷银行从一个主要承载政策性业务的、为满足公共服务需要的银行发展到按市场化运作而不失其合作性质的现代商业银行。

    In contrast , Credit agricole has developed from the bank , which mainly dealt in policy-related business to meet the needs of public services , into a modern commercial bank according to market-oriented operations , without losing its cooperative nature .

  10. 法国兴业银行和农业信贷银行的股票在宣布全民公投之后分别下跌了16%和12%&这两家银行是最容易受希腊债务影响的银行。

    Shares in Societe Generale and Credit Agricole fell after the referendum announcement by16 and12 per cent respectively-both banks are among the most exposed to Greek debt .

  11. 但巴黎有许多自己的优势:大量的国际银行,从法国巴黎银行到法国农业信贷银行;

    Yet Paris has many advantages : a large number of international banks , from BNP-Paribas to Cr é dit Agricole ;

  12. 法国农村合作金融的主要代表是法国农业信贷银行。

    Credit agricole is representative of French rural cooperative finance .

  13. 本文是中国人民银行代表团访问法国农村合作金融的考察报告,重点分析了法国农业信贷银行的“混合治理结构”。

    This paper analyzes the mixed governance structure of Cr é dit Agricole ( CA ), to show the three-stage development of rural credit cooperatives .