
  • 网络spring groups
  1. 利用泉群水化学资料对泉进行群分析

    Analysis of spring groups on the basis of hydrochemical information

  2. 济南四大泉群水源地连通试验研究连通映象的连续性

    The experimental research on link between sources and four spring groups in Jinan

  3. 济南泉群断流的成因与对策探析

    The Study on Causes of Breaking of Jinan Well Complex & Counter Measures

  4. 武威盆地泉群流量模拟及预测的一种方法

    The simulating and forecasting of the springs ' water volume in the Wuwei basin of Gansu

  5. 济南市泉群喷涌的控制性参数计算及供水保泉宏观调控措施研究

    [ wt4hz ] study on controlling parameters of Jinan spring groups gushing and MACRO-METHODS of spring protection and water supply

  6. 九寨沟泉群类型主要为溢流泉,是由第四系孔隙水潜流下降所成。

    The main types of Jiuzhaigou springs are overflow spring , the quaternary deposition by the decrease in pore water into the subsurface .

  7. 济南市南部山区是济南市的城市生态屏障,城区泉群的地下水补给区。

    The south mountain region in Jinan City is not only the natural eco-defence of the whole city but also the groundwater supplying region .

  8. 济南泉群自1973年首次出现断喷以来,历时不断加长,给济南市的环境质量和城市居民生活造成了严重的影响。

    Since the first breaking of Jinan Well Complex in 1973 , the environmental quality and local people 's daily life has been seriously influenced .

  9. 济南市为恢复岩溶泉群喷涌采取了一些列措施,收到了一定的成效。

    Jinan has been taking a series of policies and measures in order to recover the spewing karst springs in Jinan , and has received some achievements .

  10. 地下水主要接受大气降水补给,并承接南部来水,从东南向西北运动,排泄补给市区泉群。

    The groundwater is chiefly accepted the atmosphere precipitation supply , and receives water from south . It moves from the southeast to northwest and supply the spring crowd .

  11. 济南市南部山区地质地貌条件特殊,生态环境脆弱,但却是济南市泉群的地下水补给区和饮用水源保护区,水环境功能重要。

    The southern mountain area of Jinan has special geology and geomorphy , and its ecological environment is very fragile . But as the protection area of drinking water source , it can supply the groundwater to spring crowd of Jinan . Its water environment function is very important .

  12. 但是随着城市建设的高速发展,人口不断增加,济南市供水几度出现水荒,四大泉群长时间断流干涸,不仅使泉城失色,而且严重制约着社会经济的发展。

    But with the fast development of urban construction and the continuous increase of population , Jinan has been short of water and the springs have been dried for a long time in recent years , which makes the city lost her countenance and embarrasses the high-speed growth of economy .

  13. 分析结果说明单县矿泉水的多项有益矿物质含量优于济南趵突泉泉群水样,只是氟的含量超过,但是单县矿泉水还是更有利于促进人体健康。

    Results show the water sample of the Shan Country spring contents more beneficial minerals than the water sample of the four Jinan springs , the mineral water of the Shan Country spring is more conducive to promote human health .

  14. 夏夜的馨香在他四周升腾,随着雨点落下而更加氤氲活跃了。雨点一视同仁地洒在不远处泉水边那群满身灰尘和衣衫褴褛的劳累的人身上。

    The sweet scents of the summer night rose all around him , and rose , as the rain falls , impartially , on the dusty , ragged , and toil-worn group at the fountain not far away ;