
quán yuán
  • fountainhead;springhead;wellspring;well;spring head
泉源 [quán yuán]
  • (1) [spring head]∶泉水的源头

  • (2) [fountainhead]∶河流上游处的水源

  • (3) [wellspring]∶比喻力量、知识、感情等的来源或产生原因

  • 我们的学院是人文学和科学的取之不尽的泉源

泉源[quán yuán]
  1. 人有想像力和创造性,这是人成功的力量泉源!

    Person has the imaginative power and creativeness , this is successful person strength springhead !

  2. 青年是创新思想的泉源,积极变革的领军人物。

    They are a wellspring of ideas for innovation and leaders for positive change .

  3. 涌流,哦,泉源,使我得完全!

    Spring up , O well , and make me whole !

  4. 涌流,哦,泉源,赐给我。

    Spring up , O well , and give to me .

  5. 它是使生命之泉源远流长的常青树。

    It is the freshness of the deep spring of life .

  6. 地下水流出地面的泉源那条河流发源于山腰处。

    Discharge point The river springs from the side of the mountain .

  7. 涌流,哦,泉源,我灵魂处!

    Spring up , O well , within my soul !

  8. 知识的泉源在此:我还是求知若渴。

    Here was the fountain : yet still I thirsted .

  9. 我以为情诗是爱情的泉源

    I thought that poetry was the food of love .

  10. 我必使巴比伦的海枯竭,使她的泉源干涸。

    I will make her sea dry , and her fountain without water .

  11. 这位诗人的创作泉源是他的少年时代。

    This poet 's capital is his boyhood .

  12. 你的杯永不干涸,因为我将是你生命泉源之酒!

    Your cup will be never empty , for I will be your wine .

  13. 泉源从一个眼里能发出甜苦两样的水吗。

    Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter ?

  14. 一颗感恩的心是基督徒其他所有美德的泉源。

    An unthankful Christian is a defeated Christian for he has lost his joy .

  15. 他的南美之行是新意念和灵感的泉源。

    His journey to South America was a source of fresh ideas and inspiration .

  16. 我是奔向泉源的水。

    I am water rushing to the wellhead .

  17. 它是智慧的泉源。

    It is the fountain of wisdom .

  18. 属天恩典涌如泉源,顺我道路长流。

    Stream from the fount of heavenly grace , Brook by the traveler 's way .

  19. 扶轮基金会是扶轮的命脉和扶轮的希望泉源。

    The Rotary Foundation is the lifeblood of Rotary and Rotary 's fountain of hope .

  20. 耶和华使泉源涌在山谷,流在山间。

    You sent the springs into the valleys ; they are flowing between the hills .

  21. 人人都认为你是智慧的泉源,别让他们失望。

    Others think you 're a fountain of wisdom . Don 't let them down .

  22. 歌唱的,跳舞的,都要说,我的泉源都在你里面。

    As they make music they will sing , 'All my fountains are in you . '

  23. 每个人都有一个右大脑半球,因此我们都该有个异样思考的泉源。

    Everyone has a right hemisphere , so we all should be fountains of unorthodox ideas .

  24. 自然法是西方法治观念重要的思想泉源。

    Natural law is an important ideological source of the western ideas of rule of law .

  25. 新译本:要使你的泉源蒙福,要喜悦你年轻时所娶的妻子。

    NASB : Let your fountain be blessed , And rejoice in the wife of your youth .

  26. 你的泉源岂可涨溢在外。你的河水岂可流在街上。

    Should your springs overflow in the streets , your streams of water in the public squares ?

  27. 太阳被所有古代人们认为是光和热的泉源。

    The sun was recognized by all ancient people to be the source of light and warmth .

  28. 要使你的泉源蒙福;要喜悦你幼年所娶的妻。

    May your fountain be blessed , and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth .

  29. 我给人一杯凉水,祂却赐我活水的泉源;

    I give a cup of cold water , and He makes me to drink of living water .

  30. 我妹子,我新妇,乃是关锁的园,禁闭的井,封闭的泉源。

    A garden inclosed is my sister , my spouse ; a spring shut up , a fountain sealed .