
  1. 这片独立的地区,是位于奇瓦瓦沙漠中部的一片泉水灌溉的湿地,为地球上一些独特的植物和动物提供了合适的生存环境。

    This isolated region , a spring-fed wetland in the middle of the Chihuahuan Desert , has given rise to some of the most uniquely adapted flora and fauna on Earth .

  2. 我们的山河和古老的土地,在泉水的灌溉下,在清波的冲击中,生长出丰硕的果实。

    Our mountains and rivers and ancient land , irrigation in the spring under the impact of the Shiba , the growth of a rich fruits .

  3. 让我们提着来自心灵的泉水,永远去灌溉宽恕和友爱之花,灌溉尊敬和忠诚之树。

    Let 's carry the spring water of heart to irrigate the flower of forgiveness and love , and to water the tree of respect and honesty .

  4. 测定了在该泉水中养殖的鱼类及用该泉水灌溉生长的农作物和其他有关环境生物样品中天然放射性物质的含量。

    The natural radioactive substance content was determined for fishes , in thermal spring water , farm products irrigated with such water and other biological samples .