
zhān wū
  • contamination;contaminate;pollution
沾污 [zhān wū]
  • [contaminate] 意指某一外界之物因进入或接触某一物体而破坏其纯度的行为

沾污[zhān wū]
  1. 浅谈建筑外墙涂料耐沾污性试验的影响因素

    Influencing factors of pollution resistance experiment of architectural exterior wall coatings

  2. 本文介绍了用冠醚除杂减少硅表面的碱金属杂质沾污的简单方法。

    In this paper , a simple method of reducing the pollution by alkali-metal impurities on the surface of silicon with crown ethers is introduced at first .

  3. 杂质的含量尤其是Ca的沾污得到了控制。

    The content of impurities , especially Ca , can been controlled .

  4. CWCO2激光退火在硅中产生的氧沾污

    In-depth oxygen contamination produced in CW co_2 laser annealed Si

  5. Zn粉含量及表面沾污对环氧富Zn漆电化学行为的影响

    Influence of zinc content and surface contamination on the electrochemical behaviors of epoxy zinc-rich primer

  6. BF2~+注入束的沾污和对结深的影响

    Contamination of BF_2 ~ + Beam and the Effects on Implantation Junction Depth

  7. 大量研究证明外环境pH值对发样元素沾污和洗脱有重要影响,但人发本身pH值有何种影响迄今尚不清楚。

    Some papers reported that the pH of external environment had great influence on the adsorption and elution of the elements on human hair .

  8. 保证了强络合,解决了颗粒沾污,提高了铜CMP速率;

    High combination to copper ions avoids abrasive contamination and yields high CMP rate ;

  9. ∑666、∑DDT和PCBs及油的沾污亦很明显。

    The contamination of 666 , DDT , PCBs and Oil is very obvious .

  10. 应用Auger电子能谱仪研究清除GaAs表面碳沾污的有效方法

    A study on the effective method of removing carbon contamination on GaAs surfaces by means of Auger spectroscopy

  11. 空气中分子沾污(AMC)的实时监测

    Real-time Monitoring of Airborne Molecular Contamination ( TMC ) Molecular Medicine NEW AIR

  12. 真空CZ法生长硅单晶碳沾污机理的研究

    On The Carbon Contamination Mechanism of Vacuum Grown Silicon Crystals by Means of CZ method

  13. 回顾当前IC制造中使用的清洗技术是如何减少、消除或避免晶圆片表面沾污的发展历史。

    This paper reviews the wafer cleaning techniques used in the manufacturing of today 's ICs to reduce , eliminate or prevent contamination on the wafer surface .

  14. 重金属杂质对SIMOX片的沾污研究

    A Study on Contamination of Heavy Metal Impurity to SIMOX wafer

  15. 实验还证明:空气中的CWCO2激光退火可以减少样品表面的碳沾污,但产生氧沾污。

    And it has also shown that CW-CO2 laser annealing in air would decrease the carbon contamination on the Si surface , but produce oxygen contamination .

  16. 主要通过灰污热流的动态变化、SEM,XRD和能谱分析揭示炉内沾污结渣特性和灰污热流变化规律。

    The change rule of resultant flux and the fouling and slagging characteristics in boiler were discussed with dynamic changes of resultant flux , SEM , XRD and element analysis .

  17. 浓缩铀UO2F2沾污皮肤后在皮肤内的滞留

    The retention of enriched uranium uo_2f_2 in skin after contamination

  18. 实验表明Raman散射方法除可以用来表征晶体表面的完整性外,还能有效地探测样品的表面沾污情况。

    The experiment results prove that the Raman technique can not only character the crystalline surface perfection , but also detect and chemically identify elemental deposits on CdTe crystalline surface .

  19. 钍样品的Y射线谱显示该流程能去除绝大多数产物元素,特别是U、Ce和I的沾污。

    The r spectrum of the thorium fraction shows that the most of the reaction products , especially U , Ce and I can be completely removed by using the procedure .

  20. Fe的富集是造成水煤浆沾污结渣的根本原因。Na和Fe是引起黑液浆沾污结渣的主要矿物元素,Na的作用比Fe更大。

    The enrichment of Fe in the ash is the reason of fouling and slagging during combustion of CWS , but Na and Fe are the essential mineral elements for the ash deposition of CS .

  21. 本文通过SPV法测试不同流程制造的P型抛光硅片中的铁沾污,找到了在P型抛光硅片制造工艺过程中引入铁沾污的主要来源。

    In this work , the iron contamination on the polished silicon wafers fabricated by different procedures has been probed by SPV , and then the dominant iron contamination sources during the fabrication process have been found .

  22. 其原因可能是X射线CCD受到靶室油沾污,在表面形成了碳膜,对N带吸收较多。

    It is possibly because oil in the target clamber forms carbon foil on the CCD surface and contaminates the X ray CCD . This foil filter absorbs more rays with N band than those of O band .

  23. 实验结果表明,辐照后的硅表面没有形成>10A的SiO2层,氧的沾污深度只有~50A。

    The results show no evidence for > 10A SiO_2 layer onthe surface , and the depth of oxygen contamination is only ~ 50 A after irradiation .

  24. 要降低重金属杂质的沾污首先必须降低SIMOX材料的位错密度。

    To decrease the contamination of heavy metal impurity the dislocation density of SIMOX material should be decreased first .

  25. 铁杂质是硅片制造过程中常见的重金属沾污,表面光电压(SPV)法可很好地用于测定P型硅中铁杂质。

    The impurity of iron is one major heavy metal contamination on the silicon wafer . Surface photo voltage method ( SPV ) can be used to accurately measure the iron contamination within the silicon wafer .

  26. SiCl4外延生长硅晶体中碳沾污的热力学分析

    A Thermodynamical Analysis of Carbon Contamination in Silicon Epitaxial Growth from SiCl_4

  27. 工作气体在寿命期间的变化不是He-Ne激光器失效的主要原因,决定的因素是镜膜的损伤与沾污。

    The failure of He-Ne laser is not due to the change of operating gas during the apan of He-Ne leser . The decisive factor is the damage and contamination of mirrors .

  28. 铌的受沾污层由氧在铌中的间隙固溶体及沉淀相NbO组成。

    The oxidized layer of niobium consists of interstitial solid solution of oxygen in niobium and golden precipitate NbO .

  29. 其耐沾污率为14.5%,耐人工老化性通过1000h。

    Contamination resistance is 14.5 % and artificial weathering resistance is 1 000 h.

  30. 纳米改性抗沾污复合外墙涂料是一种新型技术的产品,外墙涂料加入纳米级TiO2、SiO2等粒子,大大改变了涂料性质,提高了涂料的抗沾污能力。

    Nano-modified Dirt-resistant compound for outer wall paint is a new product with modern technic , in which Nano particle of TiO 2 and SiO 2 are added to change its property greatly and improve its dirt-resistant effect .