
  • 网络oil level
  1. 装载机发动机油面升高故障的原因及处理

    The failure cause and treatment of oil level rising of a loader engine

  2. 基准面不圆度-光纤的发动机油面高度指示器

    Non-circularity of reference surface engine oil level indicator

  3. m-1,从而可以在油面上更好铺展;

    M-1 . Therefore , it can spread on oil quickly .

  4. 该胶不含PVC,点焊时不会放出含氯的有毒气体,具有较好的油面粘附性、触变性、弹性和粘接强度,耐介质性良好。

    It does not contain PVC , so during spot welding the toxical gas containing chlorine is not released . This sealant has better oil surface adhesion , thixotropy , elasticity , bonding strength and resistance to medium .

  5. 以ZL-50型装载机为例,对造成装载机发动机机油油面升高故障的主要原因进行了论述。

    With the example of ZL-50 loading machine , discussion is made on the causes of its oil over upper limit .

  6. 确保油面低电位的自控方法

    Automatic control method for maintaining the electrical potential on oil surface

  7. 动态液面面形测量油面胶粘剂的新进展

    Dynamic Liquid Surface Shape Measurement Recent Progress of Oil Absorbent Adhesive

  8. 影响浮子室油面高度的因素分析

    The Factors Affecting the Fuel Level in Float Chamber Oil of Bay

  9. 上升油面法理论及其应用

    The Theory of " Ascending Oil Surface Method " and Its Application

  10. 化油器油面不稳的原因分析及其危害和预防

    Reasons Analysis and Endangerment Prevention of Carburetter Oil Surface Instability

  11. 境内油面公路纵横交织,连接每个乡镇和村。

    Oil inside interwoven vertical and horizontal surface roads connecting every township and village .

  12. 因此主封油面是处于油压下工作。

    Accordingly , under oil pressure , the main oil seal surface can work .

  13. 油面上空间不能容纳其膨胀量。

    And ④ there is not enough space over the liquid level for expansion .

  14. 油罐油面上部空间高度的测定高精度三维地震属性识别浅层稀油油藏油水界面

    Apply high-precision 3D seismic attribute to identifying oil-water interface of shallow and thin oil reservoir

  15. EA&1型油面胶的研制

    Development of EA-1 Oil - Surface Adhesive

  16. 谈4135型柴油机油底壳油面静态显示器的研制

    Discourse on develop static state indicator of the 4135 type diesel oil sump lubricant surface

  17. 检查托滚盒的油面情况及时加上油。

    Roller check box care of the oil situation in a timely manner with oil .

  18. 直升机燃油系统地面模拟试验中试验台转角与油面角的关系

    The angle of the STAND-ANGLE of fuel level relation in helicopter fuel system ground simulated test

  19. 到油面再次下落之前,不再供油。

    This prevents the delivery of any more gasoline until the gasoline level has fallen again .

  20. 油面胶粘剂的新进展

    Recent Progress of Oil Absorbent Adhesive

  21. 发动机油面高度指示器

    Engine oil level indicator

  22. 主变速器、分动器独立润滑,能合理调整各自润滑油面,有效提高传动效率。

    The main transmission and transfer can adjust their lubrication oil highness respectively and improve the transmission efficiency .

  23. 油面角是直升机燃油系统地面模拟试验的主要模拟参数。

    The angle of fuel level is a main simulated parameter for the helicopter fuel system simulated test .

  24. 以此作为环氧树脂的固化剂,配制成中温固化的热固型油面胶。

    A intermediate temperature curing thermosetting oil-surface adhesive was prepared by using the product as curing agent for epoxy .

  25. 谈135系列柴油机调速器润滑油面静态自动显示器的研制

    About the development operation and maintainment of the static auto-display of the lubricant surface in the 135 diesel engine 's governor

  26. 薄烤饼是一种薄而圆的饼,用面粉、蛋和牛奶在一层油面上烧制而成。

    They are a thin , round cake made of flour , eggs and milk & all cooked on a greased surface .

  27. 深腔与浅腔及浅腔与封油面之间均采用阶梯结构形式,可使该轴承在高速运转时产生较大的动压承载力。

    The ladder structure between the deep and shallow cavities and sealing surface can produce huge bearing capacity while the bearing is running .

  28. 主要针对牛鞋面革中的修面革、纳帕革、油面革等品种,在涂饰过程中的主要操作进行了介绍。

    The key finishing procedures of cattle shoe upper leather were introduced , such as corrected grain leather , nappa leather , pulling up leather etc.

  29. 介绍按油罐油面面积选用半液下喷射泡沫灭火装置的规格及系统的泡沫量计算公式。

    This paper introduces the standard form of the chosen semi-liquid low-level jet fire-extinguishing devices , namely the calculating formula of foam quantity of the system .

  30. 在一个寒冷刺骨的冬夜,他必须爬到铁路油罐车的顶上用量油尺检查油面位置。

    On a bitterly cold night , he had to clamber to the top of a dozen rail tankers to check oil levels with a dipstick .