
fèi diǎn shēnɡ ɡāo
  • boiling point elevation
  1. 评述当前国内测量糖液过饱和度主要采用的方法,如电导率法,流变度法和沸点升高法及其优缺点。

    The methods used in China for supersaturation measurement of sugar solution , such as of electrical conduction , fluidness and boiling point elevation are commented with their advantages and disadvantages .

  2. 混合溶剂稀溶液的沸点升高及其常数的推算

    The Boiling Point Rising of the Mixed Solvent Dilute Solution and Its Constants ' Calculation

  3. 根据热力学原理本文推导出蒸气压法和沸点升高法精确计算乙醇活度的方程式;

    According to the principle of thermodynamics , some equations for calculating the activity from vapor pressure or boiling point were derived .

  4. 溶液的这四个特性:蒸汽压下降、凝固点降低,沸点升高和渗透压,称为溶液的依数性。

    The four properties , vapour pressure lowering , freezing point depression , boiling elevation , and osmotic pressure , are known as the colligative properties of solutions .

  5. 沸点升高以及热容和潜热随温度的变化忽略不计。摄氏100度是水的沸点。

    Boiling point elevations are negligible as well as the variation of the heat capacities and latent heats with temperature . 100 ℃ is the boiling point of water .

  6. 《物理化学》中的稀溶液沸点升高与《有机化学实验》中的水蒸汽蒸馏看似矛盾,实质上是它们的原理不同。

    The boiling point rise of dilute solution in physical chemistry seems to contradict with vapor distillation in experiment of organic chemistry . Actually , they are of different principles .

  7. 在恒沸混合物中无论不挥发溶质使气相组成发生何种变化都会引起溶液蒸气压降低或沸点升高。

    When a little non-volatile solute dissolves in azeotrope , any kind of solute always causes elevation of boiling point or depression of vapor pressure no matter how the vapor composition changes .

  8. 稀溶液沸点升高与水蒸汽蒸馏矛盾吗咸水流过一系列真空程度逐渐增高,温度逐渐降低的蒸馏室。

    Boiling Point Rise of Dilute Solution and Vapor Distillation : Are They Contradicted ; The salt water is passed through a series of chambers which have progressively higher vacuums and lower temperatures .