
  • 网络Rimming Steel;Rimmed steel
  1. 本文就转炉沸腾钢过氧化问题进行了原因分析,制订了解决措施

    Converter rimming steel over-oxidation is analyzed and solution raised .

  2. 沸腾钢在铸锭前不脱氧或轻度脱氧

    In the case of rimming steel , no or some deoxidation is carried out before casting .

  3. 介绍了我国武钢08沸腾钢与日本SPCC薄板钢对搪瓷适应性的对比试验。

    Comparison tests were taken for the enamelling adaptability of 08 boiled steel made by Wuhan Iron & Steel Company and SPCC sheet steel of Japan ;

  4. 预测半钢冶炼条件下沸腾钢氧含量的数学模型

    Mathematical model on oxygen content level of rimmed steel with semisteel

  5. 沸腾钢复合喷吹封顶工艺的研究

    Research on process of compound injection capping in rimming steel producing

  6. 沸腾钢高线盘条中心孔洞研究

    Study on coil rod center hole of rimmed steel high-speed wire

  7. C&8412锭型浇注沸腾钢的生产实践

    Production practice in rimmed steel casting with c & 8412 mould

  8. 沸腾钢冶炼时钢中硅含量的控制

    Control of silicon content in molten steel in refining the rimming steel

  9. 连铸准沸腾钢钢坯中非金属夹杂物的试验研究

    Experimental research of the nonmetallic inclusions in continuously cast quasi-rimmed steel billet

  10. 连铸准沸腾钢生产技术的发展

    Development of production technology of pseudo rimmed steel continuous casting

  11. 沸腾钢浇注工艺与瓶口锭解剖

    Teeming technology for rimmed steel and ingot dissection analysis

  12. 沸腾钢钢锭中夹杂物的分布

    Distribution of non-metallic inclusions in rimming steel ingots

  13. 连铸准沸腾钢盘条表面缺陷原因分析及对策

    Cause analysis on defects of CC pseudo trimmed steel wire rod and counter measure

  14. 转炉沸腾钢过氧化原因分析

    Analysis of converter rimming steel over - oxidation

  15. 沸腾钢大粒非金属夹杂的特性

    Characteristics of coarse nonmetallic inclusions in rimmed steel

  16. 沸腾钢高速线材产生中心孔洞的调查及分析

    Analysis of rimming steel wire center hole

  17. 稀土合金包芯线代替铝条在沸腾钢生产中的应用研究

    Application of Rare Earth Alloy Cored Wire Substituting for Aluminium Bar to Effervescing Steel Making

  18. 沸腾钢3中板坯的分层现象

    Lamination defects in rimming steel slabs

  19. 模内加小块钢板切边改善低碳沸腾钢的质量

    Improvement of the quality of rimmed steel by adding small pieces of scraps into the mold

  20. 论沸腾钢与半镇静钢生产的经济性谈老厂改造

    On necessity of revamp on old plant as viewed from economy of rimmed and SEMI-RIMMED steel production

  21. 沸腾钢脱氧剂回收率与终点氧的关系。还提出了用定氧结果估算钢液中含碳量。

    The recovery rate of deoxidizer to rimming steel in the ladles and the final O_2-contents were obtained respectively .

  22. 传统的炼钢生产中多采用沸腾钢模铸工艺生产碳素焊条钢。

    The carbon electrode steel is made in the process of boiling-steel die-casting in moot of the traditional making-steel .

  23. 这3个术语“沸腾钢”、“镇静钢”、“半镇静钢”指的是什么?

    What do the terms " rimming steel ", " fully killed steel " and " semi-killed steel " refer to ?

  24. 随着连续铸钢工艺的普及,由于沸腾钢钢水的化学成分及凝固特点,使连铸生产沸腾钢存在一定困难。

    However with the extensively spreading of concast steel process , there exists some difficulty in concast-making boiling-steel due to the chemical composition and solidifying characteristic .

  25. 提出了在涟钢条件下开发冷轧用带钢,采用低碳低硅沸腾钢成分,按镇静钢工艺生产的思路。

    The present paper introduces production of low C and low Si rimmed steel for cold rolled steel strip purpose by the killed steel process route .

  26. 针对高速线材沸腾钢盘条产生中心孔洞缺陷的情况,对40炉有中心孔洞缺陷的炉号进行了工艺控制情况的调查,分析了产生中心孔洞缺陷的原因。

    On the condition of rimming steel wire center hole , the paper investigates the process control of 40 heats with center hole , and analyzes its cause .

  27. 半镇静钢比沸腾钢脱的氧多,但又不至于使钢完全“镇静”。

    In the case of semi-killed or balanced steel , more deoxidation is carried out than with rimming steel , but not enough to completely " kill " the steel .

  28. 文中主要研究稀土镁硅合金替代铝条应用于沸腾钢浇注的化学封顶工艺。

    This paper mainly introduces the research on the substitution of Aluminium bar by rare earth , magnesium and silica alloy on the process of chemical capping to rimmed steel during casting .

  29. 沸腾钢在铸锭前不脱氧或轻度脱氧。在锭模中凝固的过程中产生的一氧化碳气体使钢液沸腾。

    In the case of rimming steel , no or some deoxidation is carried out before casting . During the solidification in the mould carbon monoxide is formed and the gas makes the steel boils .

  30. 近几年来,由于IF钢具有优良的深冲性和无时效性,已逐渐成为继沸腾钢和铝镇静钢之后的新一代冲压用钢,是一个国家汽车用钢板生产水平的标志。

    Owing to its excellent deep stamping and no-aging performances , IF steel becomes a new generation of stamping steel following boiling steel and aluminium killed steel and represents the development level of steel sheets for automobiles in a country .