
hé shān
  • land;rivers and mountains;territory
河山 [hé shān]
  • [rivers and mountains;land;territory] 河流和山岭,指国家疆土

  • 大好河山

河山[hé shān]
  1. 除此之外,元好问描写中原雄伟河山和平民爱情的词作取得了较高的成就。

    In addition , Yuan Haowen description of the Central Plains majestic rivers and mountains Ci and civilians love Ci get higher achievements .

  2. 这些书籍使他从小就热爱祖国的壮丽河山,立志要遍游名山大川。

    These books make his early love of the motherland 's magnificent rivers and mountains , and make him determined to travel over mountains and rivers .

  3. 祖国河山美丽如画。

    Our native land is as pretty as a picture .

  4. PC制造商们急需重整河山。

    PC makers are desperate to rekindle their business .

  5. 两组均给优质低蛋白饮食(LPD)、控制血压、潘生丁、静滴河山胸腺肽20~30mg/d,维持水、电解质及酸碱平衡。

    Two groups were given a good low protein diet ( LPD )、 controlling blood pressure 、 persantin 、 vein drip Heshang Thymosin ( 20 ~ 30 mg / d ), sustain balance of water 、 electrolyte and acid-alkal .

  6. 与其浪费时间和眼泪去哀悼,不如集中精力重整河山。

    We should not waste our time and tears lamenting it .

  7. 村民们热血沸腾,决心保卫故乡的河山。

    The villagers were on fire with zeal to defend their native land .

  8. 想想你誓死保护的美好河山。

    Consider the beautiful lands you so vigorously defend .

  9. 跨世纪的钟声敲响壮丽的神州河山。

    The bell sounded magnificent century China in Heshan .

  10. 极远紫外辐射探测器他极目远眺美丽的河山。

    Extreme ultraviolet radiation detector He looked afar to the beautiful hills and rivers .

  11. 在美国西海岸,他们收购了电影产业的大片河山。

    On the US west coast , they bought chunks of the film industry .

  12. 中国干旱区中小流域水土保持生物措施分析&以天山头屯河山区流域为例

    Biological measurement analysis of the water and soil conservation of middle and small valley

  13. 这个公社已开始实施一项重新整治河山的规划。

    The commune has embarked on a program of reshaping its hills and rivers .

  14. 新建县幸福河山洪成灾原因与对策初探

    The disaster reason by the freshet of Xinfu River in Xinjian County and the countermeasure

  15. 在历史的长河里,你就是中国的河山。

    Throughout the course of history , you have always been China 's native land .

  16. 玛纳斯河山麓冲积扇演化及其对区域构造活动的响应

    Evolution of Alluvial Fans and Reaction to the Regional Tectonic Activity at Rage-Front of Manas River Valley

  17. 奎屯河山前四期冲积扇由南向北呈串珠状发育。

    There are four alluvial fans arranged as a string of beads from the south to the north .

  18. 或者它还可与其它同命相怜的公司合并,寄希望于规模效应来重振河山。

    Or it can merge with other firms in similar straits , hoping that economies of scale fix things .

  19. 祖国河山美丽如画。我听说你们国家很美丽。

    Our native land is as pretty as a picture . I 've heard that your country is beautiful .

  20. 海洋深处,身披重甲的螳螂虾在河山的争斗赌暌姑锤头般的肢体互殴。

    Deep in the oceans , heavily armoured mantis shrimp exchange blows from hammer-like appendages in fights over territory .

  21. 位于镇远县城东中河山,始建于明朝洪武年间。

    Zhenyuan ordained at East Bridge in rivers and mountains , was built in the Ming Dynasty Hongwu years .

  22. 河山人民热忱欢迎海内外各界朋友前来投资兴业,携手描绘新世纪的锦绣河山。

    People of Heshan welcome friends both overseas and domestic to invest here , and create splendid Heshan of the new century .

  23. 这款名为“飞毯”的枕头能够让你躺在上面的时候有一种在飞毯上穿越河山的感觉。

    The Flying Carpet is the only carpet / floor pillow that gives you the magic sensation of lying down between hills .

  24. 在人们耳际荡起滔滔势的余响,表达了对华夏河山的赞美和热爱。

    The lingering echo of the dashing waters are a paean of praise to and an expression of love for China 's landscape .

  25. 尽管有人质疑她是否是惠普掌门人的最佳人选,但或许问题的实质在于:惠普到底能否重振河山?

    While some question whether she is the right leader for HP now , the real question may be can HP be fixed at all ?

  26. 乌鲁木齐河山区冰和雪资源,对径流补给,其量不很大,但对河水稳定起着很大作用和影响。

    Ice and snow in source area of Urumqi River supply few water for runoff , but it take much effect to flow discharge of the river .

  27. 在统一时代,英国,法国,美国和西班牙出书的相关文献资料和地图,也都显示垂钓岛属于中国的河山。

    At the same time , related documents and maps of Britain , France , United States and Spain also showed the Diaoyu Islands belonging to China .

  28. 从遥远的古代起,我国各族人民就建立了紧密的政治经济文化联系,共同开发了祖国的河山。

    Since the time immemorial , people of all nationalities have established closely-knitted political , economic and cultural links and joined hands in developing the vast land of our country .

  29. 研究西北内陆河山区流域的水文循环,对于维持区域可持续发展和生态环境的保护具有重要意义。

    Making clearness of the hydrological cycle process of mountainous watershed is very important for the sustainable development and ecological environment protection of the inland river basin in Northwest China .

  30. 你年青的,年青的,远隔河山的姑娘哟,你的名姓我不曾知道,你怨我只能这样叫你了。

    O young lady , you young lady of the distant land ! Excuse me for addressing you as " young lady ", for your name is still unknown to me .