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  1. 河南地接旅游分析

    Analysis of Henan 's Local - Guiding Tourism

  2. 21世纪初期河南地勘工作的方向与任务

    The direction and task of geoexploration work in Henan Province during the initial 21st century

  3. 河南地裂缝发生发展及其防治初探

    The preliminary study of the occurence and development and its prevention and control of geofracture in Henan Province

  4. 河南地处中原,历史悠久、文化深厚。

    Henan Province is located in the middle area of Chinese mainland which has long long history and profound culture .

  5. 河南地处祖国腹地,历有中原、中州之别称。

    Henan is located in the hinterland of the motherland , experience with the Central Plains , Central Plains of another name .

  6. 河南地处我国南、北方交界,地形复杂,气候、水文等具有明显的过渡带性质。

    HeNan is located in southern and northern China border , complex terrain , climate , hydrology and other obvious transitional in nature .

  7. 认清形势解放思想抓住机遇加快发展&关于河南地勘经济发展战略的几点思考

    Getting a clear understanding of the situation liberating the mind grasping opportunity speeding up development & thought on economic development of geological prospecting in He Nan

  8. “东引西进”的实践依据是河南地处中原,是全国的交通枢纽和经济社会发展的中间地带,也是从东向西梯次推进的过渡。

    Locating in the central plain , Henna province is a hub of communication of our country and it is also the middle and transitional region in strategy of Western Development of our country .

  9. 匈奴与秦汉王朝对于河南地的反复争夺不仅是双方实力对比的调整,更有农耕与游牧经济融合互补的内在要求;

    The scramble between Huns and Han Empire about the Great Bend of the Huanghe River is not only the adjustment of the balance of their strength , also the internal request of the supplement which agricultural cultivation and nomadic economy .

  10. 河南地处中原,作为我国的经济总量大省、农业大省、人口大省与生源大省,对该省高等教育大众化进程中的财政责任履行情况进行研究有着十分重要的现实意义。

    Henan located at the Central Plains , and its economic output , agriculture , population and students is NO.1 in China , therefore , researching the fiscal responsibility fulfillment in the process of popularization of higher education is of important practical significance .

  11. 在国内铝工业区域经济方面,河南地处中国铝谷的中心地带,具有便利的交通条件,和无可比拟的铝土矿资源及煤电能源优势,存在着巨大的消费市场和发展空间。

    In the aspect of domestic aluminum industry regional economy , Henan province is located in the center area of " China aluminum valley " with convenient communication conditions and incomparable bauxite resources and coal-power energy superiority , owned a huge consuming market and development space .

  12. 河南三地AIDS病人幸福感的探索性研究

    The study of happiness of AIDS patients in Henan province

  13. 河南三地艾滋病人主观幸福感及生活质量调查

    A Survey of Subjective Well-being and Living Quality of HIV-Positive People in Three Regions of Henan Province

  14. 河南房地产业发展简论

    Development of Henan Real Estate

  15. 另外,本部分还对山西、山东、湖北、云南及河南等地农户进行实地田野调查,以验证计量和实证分析结果。

    Furthermore , we employed some field surveys to validate the results obtained from the empirical study . We have surveyed the farm households in Shanxi , Shandong , Hubei , Yunan and Henan .

  16. 野生资源在我国分布广泛,很多地方均可发现该植物,主要集中分布在我国吉林、辽宁等东北地区,以及河南等地。

    It is widely distributed in China , it could be found in many places . It mainly distributed in Jilin province , Liaoning province and other northeast areas , as well as the Henan province .

  17. 上世纪90年代中后期,中国河南等地发生了经采供血传播艾滋病的严重疫情,带来了严重而深刻的社会问题。

    In the mid to late 1990s , a severe HIV / AIDS outbreak was identified among plasma / blood donors in Henan and neighboring provinces in central China , which has caused serious and profound social problems .

  18. 河南省房地产业可持续发展战略研究

    Study on the sustainable development strategy of real estate in Henan Province

  19. 河南省农用地生态安全评价探讨

    Evaluation on agricultural land ecological security of Henan Province

  20. 河南省八地、市产业发展环境条件评价

    The Evaluation of the Environment of Industrial Development in 8 Divisions and Cities of Henan Province

  21. 元明清时期卫运河南段盐碱地分布及对农牧业的影响

    South Yuan Ming and Qing Dynasties time Wei Canal 's section saline and alkali land distribution and to local animal husbandry influence

  22. 要使河南省房地产业持续稳定地发展,第一要更新观念,第二要健全和完善住房金融制度,第三要开放和推进住房二级市场的交易。

    For the sustainable development , we should have a new idea , improve housing financial system and open up and improve the secondary housing business market .

  23. 在野外调查和文献统计相结合的基础上,对河南野生观赏地被植物资源进行了调查统计与评价。

    On basis of field survey combined with document statistics investigation , statistics and evaluation were conducted on the resources of wild ornamental ground-cover plants in Henan province .

  24. 第四章完成了河南省矿产地数据库数据表的设计,严格定义了各数据项的名称、代码、数据类型和长度,并明确了每个数据项的含义;

    Chapter 4 : The design of data forms of the database has been made by defining the name , code , type and length of each datum item strictly ;

  25. 第三章完成了河南省矿产地数据库的系统设计和逻辑设计,并导出了规范的数据库模式和数据实体的相互关系;

    Chapter 3 : The system and logic designs of the database have been completed , and further the correlations between the normal database mode and the data entity are described ;

  26. 该文对常用的空间插值模型进行了比较分析,并采用河南省农用地分等数据进行验证,指出克立格法初始插值结果优于其它模型的初始插值结果;

    Compared the common ( spatial ) interpolation models and based on the classification data of agricultural land in Henan Province , the initial interpolation results of Kriging are better than those of other models .

  27. 商丘市工业化水平与沿海发达地区存在着相当大的差距,整体上仍落后于河南省内其他地市。

    There is a considerable gap of industrial level between Shangqiu City and developed coastal areas in the country . On the whole , its level of industrialization still lags behind other cities in Henan Province .

  28. 本研究在对河南省部分地市的高中英语教师继续教育需求调查和研究的基础上提出了有针对性的高中英语教师继续教育的课程开发和实施建议。

    This research puts forward some practical suggestions of curriculum development and implementation for continuing education for senior high school English teachers based on the investigation and study of the needs for further education for senior high school English teachers from parts of Henan Province .

  29. 第四部分,结合档案工作面临的机遇,对河南省(地)市综合档案馆馆藏珍品档案的管理模式进行了探索,如设置河南省永久性珍品档案展厅、创建河南省珍品档案目录中心等。

    The fourth part explores the management mode of the precious archives collected in the comprehensive archives of Henan province combing the opportunities of archives work facing , such as establish Henan precious archives exhibition hall or establish Henan precious archives directory center and so on .

  30. 为了实现对河南铝土矿多源地学信息的集成与管理,笔者通过对地学数据集成与融合的研究,实现对多源地学数据的编码,建立了河南铝土矿多源信息空间数据和属性数据库。

    In order to integrate and manage the multi-information of the aluminum deposits in Henan , based on the research of integration and fusion of geological data , author codes the multi-geological data , and buildes the spatial database and attribute database of multi-information about Henan aluminum deposits .