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  • 网络shahe;shahe city
  1. 基于GIS的沙河市土地利用时空变化分析

    Spatial and Temporal Change of Land Use in Shahe city based on GIS

  2. 河北省沙河市域生态功能区划和主导功能分析

    Analysis of Eco-functional Division and Dominance Function of Shahe Region in Hebei Province

  3. 沙河市玻璃用石英岩矿区复垦土地物理特征及经济效益分析

    Analysis on Physical Characteristics and Economic Benefit of Reclaimed Land in Glass Used Quartzite Mining Area in Shahe City

  4. 研究了沙河市册井石灰石的物理性能、化学成分,参照邢钢的生产条件进行煅烧实验,并对石灰进行活性度测试。

    In this paper , the physical properties and chemical composition of limestone from Cejing of Shahe are investigated and the activity of calcined lime are tested according to production condition .

  5. 大沙河是大连普兰店市的一条主要河流,是该市重要的饮用水、农业供水水源。

    Dasha River is one of the main rivers in Dalian , and it supplies water source of drinking and agriculture for the city .