
  • 网络Shane;Schaan;shaun;Sharn
  1. 这并不是要否认这部由沙恩•布莱克(ShaneBlack)执导的巨制的特别之处。

    That 's not to deny the distinctions of this huge production , which was directed by Shane Black .

  2. 在进军主流世界的道路上,黄颐铭有不少导师——他的编辑杰克逊、Vice的沙恩·史密斯(ShaneSmith),以及HBO退休的节目总监迈克尔·隆巴尔多(MichaelLombardo),但是,迄今为止,他的公众生活的主线仍然是与权威进行斗争。

    Even though Mr. Huang has rabbis who 've smoothed his path toward the mainstream - his editor , Mr. Jackson ; Shane Smith of Vice ; Michael Lombardo , HBO 's president of programming , who is stepping down - the defining throughline of his public life has , until now , been a tug of war with authority .

  3. 沙恩砰的一声撞上一棵树,从雪橇上滚落下来。

    Shane slammed into a tree and rolled off the sled .

  4. 到比赛前,沙恩天天训练。

    Shane trained everydy until the tournament.Finally , the day arrived .

  5. 就像沙恩,那座圣城,天堂的首都。

    Like Zion , the Holy City , the capital of heaven .

  6. 沙恩死后,我对他的思念与日俱增。

    I miss Shane more every day he 's gone .

  7. 我们在沙恩的葬礼上布置了许多气球。

    We had balloons at Shane 's funeral .

  8. 沙恩离开后的第二个圣诞节,那天非常平静。

    Christmas , the second since Shane 's death , was a quiet day .

  9. 无法阻止沙恩霍斯特号和格奈泽鲁号战列巡洋舰在光天化日之下驶过多佛尔。

    Yet this did not prevent the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau passing Dover in broad daylight .

  10. 对于英国在爱尔兰的统治来说,沙恩是一个最坚决、最不妥协的反对者。

    Shane was the most uncompromising opponent of English rule in Ireland that had yet appeared .

  11. 我的女儿尼科尔向沙恩道歉,因为她没有准备礼物。

    My daughter , Nichole , apologized to Shane because she didn 't have a gift .

  12. 照片中的女主角沙恩于今年六月去世,享年91岁,没能看见她所呼吁的这一纪念活动的成功举行。

    Shain died in June at age91 before she could see her campaign for the commemoration completed .

  13. 沙恩很想参赛,可是他很紧张,老师说服他参加。

    Shane wanted to compete , but he was too nervous . His teacher convinced him sign up .

  14. 沙恩,当你听到被交易到休斯顿时,你有什么反应?

    William ( Kennesaw ): Hey shane , what was your reaction when you heard you got traded to houston ?

  15. 沙恩觉得好多了,不过他也知道他得全力以赴。

    This made Shane feel a bit better , but he still knew that he had to do his best .

  16. 她声称过去一年里只在其他场合喝了两次:一次是在沙恩葬礼后,一次在上个夏天。

    She named only two other occasions in the past year : the day after the funeral and once last summer .

  17. 这一庆祝方式源于(当年的一位名叫)阿尔弗雷德•艾森施泰特(的摄影记者)拍摄的一张经典照片,照片中一位不知姓名的水手在时代广场亲吻了一个名叫伊迪丝•沙恩的女护士。

    The celebration was immortalized in Alfred Eisenstaedt 's photograph of an unidentified sailor kissing nurse Edith Shain in Times Square .

  18. 此后不久,当沙恩的妈妈找他商谈“I.O.U”的事宜时,却发现他一直在想和男孩儿们联络。

    Soon after Shane 's mother contacted him about I.O.U.and found he had been desperately trying to get in contact with them .

  19. 如果我听你的话,如果我按时回来,沙恩就不会死。

    And if I had listened , if I had come home when you said , Shane wouldn 't be dead now .

  20. 终于到了比赛当天,沙恩在比赛中看到他的对手,和他身高一样!

    At the competition , Shane saw the guy he was going to fight . Shane and he were the same size !

  21. “6月8日,在最后从纳维克撤退时,英国的光荣号航空母舰,被德国的沙恩霍斯特号和格奈泽鲁号战列巡洋舰击沉。

    In the final withdrawal from Narvik , the aircraft carrier Glorious was sunk by the Scharnhorst and the Gneisenau on 8 June .

  22. 在初学者坡道滑了一整天之后,沙恩决定以试滑一段名为特鲁迪高速直线的专家坡道作为一天的结束。

    After skiing the beginner hills all day , Shane decided to finish up by trying an expert slope called Trudy 's Schuss .

  23. 澳大利亚人沙恩-威尔莫特训练老鼠成为冲浪好手。威尔莫特想让这3只分别名为哈里、邦森和肖普斯蒂克斯的老鼠参与到澳大利亚人最喜欢的冲浪运动中来。

    Shane Willmott trained his three mice Harry , Chopsticks and Bunsen to enjoy Australia 's favourite sport with special mouse-size surf boards .

  24. 有时候我无法呆在沙恩的病房里,我感觉自己似乎快要爆炸,快要急疯了。

    Sometimes I couldn 't bear to be in Shane 's room . I felt as if I were going to explode or go insane .

  25. 沙恩看起来平平静静,他最后一次拍了拍那条可怜的老狗。而我始终怀疑他是不是明白接下我们做的一切意味着什么。

    Shane seemed so calm , petting the old dog for the last time , that I wondered if he understood what was going on .

  26. 沙恩特制的裹了松脆黄油和巧克力的土豆条深受劳伦一家的喜爱,以至于劳伦自己也不断鼓动她开始经营巧克力事业。

    Shane 's butter crunch and chocolate-covered potato sticks were so beloved by the Lauren household that the designer himself urged her to start marketing her creations .

  27. 在1943年圣诞,依靠谜机的帮助,英国击沉了沙恩霍斯特号。但在此时,艾伦已经展开了新的项目,这是他自己的项目。

    But by Christmas 1943 , as the Scharnhorst was sunk with Enigma help , Alan had set out on a new project , this time something of his own .

  28. 四胞胎的父母沙恩和海伦·巴克斯特在时隔3年之后,又迎来他们四胞胎孩子中剩余的三个孩子。

    Mrs Baxter , 41 , and her engineer husband Shane , 37 , welcomed their triplets three years after Alice was born-despite all four being conceived at the same time .

  29. 犬的主人罗恩、罗恩的太太丽莎以及他们的小儿子沙恩都非常关注贝克,期望我能够让贝克起死回生。

    The dog 's owners , Ron , his wife Lisa , and their little boy Shane , were all very attached to Belker , and they were hoping for a miracle .

  30. 从那以后,沙恩的生活也受到了这张照片的影响。她因此而出名,并受邀参加了各种与“二战”相关的活动,如献花、游行及其它纪念活动。

    From then on the photograph also made its mark on Shain 's life as the fame she garnered led to invites to war related events such a wreath layings , parades and other memorial events .