
bǐ jiāng
  • the Bijiang River
沘江[bǐ jiāng]
  1. 因此,应大力开展沘江沿岸农村居民的环境教育,以充分调动其参与沘江治理及保护的积极性。

    Therefore , we should conduct Bijiang environmental education vigorously on rural residents along the Bijiang River in order to fully mobilize their participation in river management and protection Bijiang enthusiasm .

  2. 云南省沘江流域水体重金属污染评价

    Evaluation of Heavy Metal Pollution in Bijiang Basin in Yunnan Province

  3. 其中一份文件显示,2009年该公司因向附近的沘江排放镉浓度超标887倍的废水,被罚款60万元人民币。

    One document shows that in 2009 , the company was fined 600,000 renminbi , nearly $ 100,000 at the current exchange rate , for disposing of wastewater containing cadmium levels 887 times the national health standard into the nearby Bijiang River .