- 网络Depositional system tract;system tract

Characterization of Depositional System Tract for Exploration of Lithologic Pools-An example of Qaidam basin
Basic characteristics of the Early Carboniferous Depositional System Tract in the north of the Tarim Basin
Finally , the diagenetic features of different depositional system tracts and two types of sequence boundaries are discussed .
In basin facies area , lowstand and transgression depositional system tracts occur quite widely , but highstand depositional system tract does not .
Abstract Based on the principles of sequence stratigraphy , the paper described the basic characteristics of depositional system tract in the Lower Carboniferous .
The relative changes of sea level caused by local tectonism have had distinct effect on depositional system tracts and types of boundary of the sequence stratigraphy .
While the sequence ⅲ and ⅳ are of fluvial facies and can be divided into a base level ascending and a base level descending system tracts .
The sequence architecture and the distribution of depositional systems tracts were mainly controlled by a variety of tectonic activities during the formation and evolution of the basins .
Each sequence can be subdivided into lowstand , transgression and high-stand depositional system tracts which consist of basin-floor fan , slope fan , slump fan , condensed section and various progradational wedges .
Therefore , the study of fossil communities may help recognize and optimize sequences , sedimentary systems tracts and se-quence boundaries , thus providing a new approach to the accurate recognition and division of sequence stratigraphic units .
The theory and method of sequence stratigraphy has played very important roles in exploration and development for oil and gas . It is also proved practically that sequence boundary and depositional system tract control the mineralization of sedimentary and strata-bound ore deposits .
A curve of relative fluctuation of sea level is compiled on the basis of sedimentary sequence and evolutionary characteristics of system domain .
In this paper , The division of sequence in outcrop , log well and seismic and sequence interface and depositional system and system track was detailed discussed .
According to this study , we recognize four types of mixed deposits : parent material mixing , mixing due to gradual facies change , insitu mixing and gravity flow mixing .
Braided delta , the shore-shallow beach dam , the lake and the turbidite fan deposition development in low system tract and transgressive system tract . River delta , shore-shallow beach dam and lacustrine deposit development in highstand system tract .
Lithology , sedimentary facies , system development and formation stacking have also been studied .
The evolution process of the petrofacies palaeogeography consists of three cycles or eight phases , which correspond to sedimentary sequences or depositional system tracts respectively .
On the basis of order by order analysis of microfacies assemblages or essential sequences , depositional systems and depositional systems tracts , 61 essential sequences and three depositional systems ( i.e. tidal flat , shallow shelf and open shelf ) may be recognized .
The feasibility of quartation for system tract and main sedimentary characteristics of forced regression system tract have been discussed , based on the new advances in researches on forced regressive deposits at home and abroad .
Lake basin sequence is formed through and sedimentation , showing the changes of the sedimentary systems or system tracts in time and space with the lake level variation .