
  1. 从契诃夫到沈虹光:现实主义戏剧的一种写法

    From Chekhov to Shen Hongguang : A Style of Realistic Drama

  2. 沈虹光(1948&),当代湖北女剧作家。

    Hongguang Shen ( 1948 - ), Hubei female playwright .

  3. 写此类小题材出名的剧作家在当代甚至现代戏剧领域也不多见,沈虹光是其中的佼佼者。

    Well-known playwrights on such a small theme are rare in contemporary or modern theater areas .

  4. 沈虹光谈到,俄罗斯文学尤其是契诃夫和高尔基的剧作对她有深刻的影响。

    Shen Hongguang talked of the deep influence of Russian literature works , especially the plays of Chekhov and gorky , on her writing .