
  • 网络Jianghuai Mandarin;zh-jianghuai
  1. 安徽怀远方言属江淮官话。

    Huaiyuan dialect is subordinate to Jianghuai mandarin .

  2. 桐城县、枞阳县、安庆市的江淮官话应该划归黄孝片,而不是洪巢片。

    This paper argues that the Jianghuai mandarin of Tongcheng county , Zongyang County and Anqing city should be included into Huangxiao cluster rather than Hongchao cluster .

  3. 第二章是关于中原官话和江淮官话已有的划分意见。

    The second chapter is about ideas of classifications between Zhongyuan and Jiang-huai mandarin dialects .

  4. 同在江苏境内的苏州方言、扬州方言和徐州方言(以下简称三州方言)分别是吴语、江淮方言和中原官话的地点方言。

    In the same province of Jiangsu , Suzhou dialect , Yangzhou dialect and Xuzhou dialect stand for Wu dialect , eastern Mandarin and Central Plain Mandarin dialect respectively .

  5. 为了对三州方言有一个整体的认识,本文分别介绍了吴方言、江淮方言及中原官话的语音特点,并列出苏州方言、扬州方言、徐州方言这三个方言音系表。

    In order to get a general knowledge of " SanZhou dialect ", this paper introduces the phonetic features of Wii dialect , eastern dialect and Central Plain Mandarin dialect , and it also list the phonology table of Suzhou dialect , Yangzhou dialect and Xuzhou dialect respectively .