
jiānɡ hé shuǐ
  • River Water
  1. 取用江河水作为空调冷却水源的运行分析

    Operating problems of river water cooled air conditioning systems

  2. 进入60年代,该技术开始用于处理工业污水、江河水、地面径流和生活污水,目前已经在世界范围内得到广泛研究和应用。

    Into the 60s , the beginning of the technology used to treat industrial waste water , river water , surface runoff and sewage .

  3. 主要水源类型为地下水、水库水、江河水。

    The water source included underground water 、 reservoir 、 river .

  4. 水源类型包括:地下水、湖泊水库水、江河水、泉水。

    Water source included : underground water , lake reservoir , river , spring .

  5. 它们承受的生存压力在其他生物类群中也同样存在,有效保护江河水生物资源已是刻不容缓的事情。

    It is an urgent affair to protect fresh - water living creature resources effectively .

  6. 江河水污染预警预报系统建设模式的探讨

    Probing into the construction model of water pollution prediction and forewarning system of the rivers

  7. 软件文件编制结构记录关于江河水利志编修工作的一些构想

    Structured writing for software documentation Some ideas on compiling chronicles of rivers and water conservancy

  8. 对江河水库悬移质进行监测,一般需要采集水样进行分析。

    Analysis on sampling water is required for monitoring suspended load of the rivers and reservoirs .

  9. 关于江河水利志编修工作的一些构想西江、东海水道枯水期分流比实测研究

    Some ideas on compiling chronicles of rivers and water conservancy Measurement and study of dry-period flow distribution ratio between Xijiang river and Donghai waterway

  10. 中国江河水量丰沛,开阔河段不仅洪水流量大、装机台数多,且多为通航河道。

    The water quantity of rivers in China is abundant , and the reaches are wide with large flood discharge and are of navigation channels .

  11. 低压锅炉的进水一般是江河水、地下水等硬水,进水的处理常用离子交换法。

    The water of the low-pressure boiler used is hard water , for example , groundwater and river water , water treatment often uses ion exchange technique .

  12. 另一首《江河水》是50年代初由王石路等人根据辽宁鼓乐同名笙管曲牌改编成的双管独奏曲。

    Another one of this type , River Waters , was adapted by Wang Shilu and others in the early 1950s from a wind orchestra qu tune of the same name from Liaoning Province .

  13. 针对南方大中城市受航道、园林、规划等条件限制的情况,对取用江河水作为空调冷却水源存在的主要问题和改进措施进行了分析。

    Concerning the channel , parks and city layout limitations in large and medium cities in south China , analyses the main problems in operation of these air conditioning systems , and presents improving measures .

  14. 影响和制约城市形态形成和发展的因素众多,地理环境就是其中主要因素之一,而江河水系又是城市地理环境的重要组成部分。

    There are various factors that influence and restrict the emerging and developing of urban form , a crucial one of which is geographic environment . Rivers and water systems are important components of urban geographic environment .

  15. 本项目所研究内容对于江河水库水污染控制与水环境功能区划、侧向与垂向扩散系数计算、污染混合区计算、岸边排污口设计等具有十分广阔的应用前景。

    For rivers and reservoirs with water environment pollution control function divisions , lateral and vertical diffusion coefficient calculation , the pollution of the mixed zone calculation , the outle would be a very broad application prospect .

  16. 实现江河水资源的科学利用和发展,需要对流域各类水文监测站点采集的数据进行深入的分析,以了解流域的内在规律和各种特征之间的内在联系。

    For realizing scientific utilization and development , we should analyze data collected by all kinds of hydrological monitoring sites in basin , in order to understand the inherent law of basin and the relationship of various characteristics .

  17. 在全球水储量中,淡水储量只占全球水储量的2.5%,与人类生活密切相关的江河水储量只占淡水总储量的0.006%,加上淡水湖泊中的淡水,总共不过占淡水总量的0.266%。

    Freshwater only reserves 2.5 % of global water , and the river water which human life closely related to reserves only 0.006 % of total freshwater . With freshwater of lakes , the total volume of fresh water reserves 0.266 % .

  18. 稀土含量在水流中高于一般江河水10~4倍,应制定稀土的环境水质标准。

    It 's estimated the rare earth in the water of mining area is 10 ~ 4 times higher than that in rivers and oceans . We suggest the necessity of formulating a water quality standard for rare earth content in our water enviroment .

  19. 本文以生态环境问题为纽带,将农业垦殖与江、河水患联系起来,阐发其内在的因果关系。

    Regarding the eco-systematical environmental problems as the clues , this thesis intends to study the causes and effects between the agricultural cultivation and river floods .

  20. 桂江流域河水主离子在四季也表现出一定的变化特征:冬季河水的离子含量最高,秋季和春季其次,夏季河水离子浓度则是最低的。

    The Guijiang basin river ion variation in the seasons can be seen that the highest ion content of the river in winter , autumn and spring , followed by the summer river ion concentration is lowest .

  21. 澜沧江-湄公河水电梯级开发的生态影响

    The Ecological Impacts of Hydropower Cascade Development in Lancang-Mekong River

  22. 澜沧江&湄公河水文特征分析

    Analysis of hydrological characteristics in Lancang-Mekong River

  23. 澜沧江&湄公河水资源公平合理分配模式分析

    Study on the equitable and suitable allocation model of water resources in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin