
  • 网络Tan Dan
  1. 谭盾音乐及其对中国音乐创作的启示

    Tan Dun Music and Its Enlightenment on Chinese Musical Creation

  2. 谭盾钢琴组曲《忆》的教学分析

    Analysis on Teaching of the Piano Suite by Tan Dun

  3. 谭盾不是一个不谙天下事的音乐家。

    As a musician , Tan Dun also cares about these things .

  4. 谭盾音乐与中国现代音乐创作的发展出路&由谭卞之争所想到的

    Tan Dun 's Composition And The Future Of The Chinese Contemporary Music Creation

  5. 谭盾(1957-)是中国当代著名作曲家。

    Tan Dun ( 1957 - ) is a contemporary famous composer in china .

  6. 本次展览将包括了三件装置,其亮点不乏谭盾对纸、水声响的运用。

    The current exhibition comprises three installations , highlighting Tan Dun 's use of sounds derived from paper and water .

  7. 谭盾,1958年出生于湖南省长沙市茅冲,著名美籍华裔作曲家,在国际上享有声誉。

    Tan , born in Maochong Village , Changsha City , Hunan Province in1958 , enjoyed reputations in the world .

  8. 这是奥斯卡金像奖得主谭盾、导演冯小刚和我,在美丽的安吉外景地里!

    This is Oscar winning compser Tan dun , my director Feng Xiao Gang and I on our most beautiful Anji set .

  9. 之后,邱志杰、谭盾、冯梦波等艺术家风格各异的专题展更为画廊添光增彩。

    Since then artists as varied as Qiu Zhijie , Tan Dun and Feng Mengbo have added different perspectives to the gallery profile .

  10. 因此能和谭盾先生共同谱写2010年世博会的主题曲是我的莫大荣幸。

    That is why it was an honor for me to collaborate with the great Tan Dun in composing the Shanghai Expo's2010 theme song .

  11. 谭盾不仅继承了二十世纪西方现代音乐中各个流派的创作技法,还创造式地发明了许多属于中国本土特征的音乐。

    He had not only inherited the creation technique in the 20th century West modern music , but also invented many Chinese native characteristic music .

  12. “歌剧之王”普拉西多·多明戈在大都会的传奇生涯又掀新篇章,他在谭盾的史诗剧《秦始皇》世界首演中成功塑造了这位“中国第一皇帝”。

    The incomparable Pl á cido Domingo began a new chapter in his legendary Met career when he created the role of Emperor Qin in the world premiere of Tan Dun 's epic opera .

  13. 谭盾的作品有其合理存在的理由,也是与世界的向前发展一脉相承的,对中国今后音乐创作之路也有着启示作用。

    His works has its reason for a reasonable existence . It has a direct line of succession to the world forward development , and plays an enlightening role to Chinese musical creation path in future .

  14. 2002年2月,法国电台当代音乐节上,中国旅美作曲家谭盾的作品《卧虎藏龙》(音乐会版)在演出中收到法国观众的嘘声和倒彩,这个现象说明了什么?

    In February 2002 , the performance of the concert version Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon by Chinese American composer Tan Dun received booing and outcries from French audiences at the French Radio Contemporary Music Festival . What can we get from this phenomenon ?

  15. 其中最著名的学生包括谭盾(他曾获得多项荣誉,更因2000年为电影《卧虎藏龙》配乐而获得奥斯卡奖),以及2001年麦克阿瑟奖学金的获得者盛宗亮和2011年获得普利策音乐奖的周龙。

    The best known of these are Tan Dun ( who , among other distinctions , won an Oscar for his score to the 2000 film " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon " ) ; Bright Sheng , recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship in 2001 ; and Zhou Long , who won the Pulitzer Prize for music in 2011 .