
  • 网络Chiang Pin-kung;P.K. Chiang;PK Chiang
  1. 江丙坤是周六抵达南京,出席第三次两岸会谈。

    Chiang Pin-kung arrived here Saturday for the third round of cross-straits talks .

  2. 2012年9月27日,前海基会董事长江丙坤辞职,林中森接任董事长职务。

    Lin Zhong-Sun replaces former SEF Chair Chiang Pin-kung , who resigned on September 27th .

  3. 新任命的海基会董事长江丙坤已制订了迅速恢复两岸对话的计划。

    Chiang Pin-kung , newly appointed head of the SEF , has laid out plans for a rapid resumption of dialogue with Beijing .

  4. 江丙坤在星期五发表的声明中说,双方将在会谈中讨论一项部分自由贸易协定,并签署增加经济合作的协定。

    In a statement Friday , Chiang Pin-kung said that the two sides would discuss a partial free-trade agreement during the talks and sign agreements to increase economic cooperation .

  5. 朱又说,如果江丙坤被提名为行政院院长,胡志强在总统府的职务,就不会有问题,但是,胡志强跟刘兆玄处得并不好。

    Chu added that if P.K.Chiang had been named premier , Jason Hu would have been okay in the presidential office . However , Jason Hu does not get along with Liu Chao-shiuan .