
hàn yǔ xiū cí
  • Chinese rhetoric
  1. 汉语修辞的演变与中国文化的发展

    Evolution of the Chinese Rhetoric and the Development of Chinese Culture

  2. 二十世纪汉语修辞研究评述

    A Commentary on the Researches of Chinese Rhetoric in 20th century

  3. 结构主义与汉语修辞中的显性和潜性理论

    Structuralism and Connotation and Denotation Theory of Modern Chinese Rhetoric Devices

  4. 英语和汉语修辞倾向的对比

    A Contrastive Study of Rhetorical Inclinations in English and Chinese

  5. 汉语修辞是汉文化的重要组成部分之一。

    Chinese Figure of Speech is an important part of Chinese culture .

  6. 汉语修辞思想萌芽探源

    In Search of the Germination Period of Chinese Rhetorical Thoughts

  7. 近代汉语修辞词语的特征

    Features of Rhetoric Terms in Modern Ch in ese

  8. 试论汉语修辞格里的音乐美

    On the musical beauty in chinese figures of speech

  9. 在汉语修辞中,引用辞格历史悠久,运用广泛。

    In Chinese rhetoric , adduction rhetoric is applied widespread long time ago .

  10. 从不平衡中论汉语修辞史研究

    A Discussion of Researching on Chinese Rhetoric History From the Unbalanced research situation

  11. 汉语修辞史研究综论

    Review of the Study of the Chinese Rhetoric History

  12. 本文就英语和汉语修辞格中的排偶结构进行了分析对比。

    The paper makes an analysis and comparison on Chinese and English parallelism .

  13. 古汉语修辞格式及艺术分析

    Rhetoric form and artistic analysis of ancient Chinese

  14. 西方文论的互文与汉语修辞的互文

    " Intertexture " in Western Literary Theory and " Huwen " in Chinese Rhetorics

  15. 论汉语修辞与汉文化的关系

    The Relationship between Chinese rhetoric and Chinese culture

  16. 信息反馈与汉语修辞

    Information feedback and rhetorical devices in Chinese language

  17. 修辞化:汉语修辞史研究的理论探索话题

    Rhetoricization : A Theoretic Topic in the Studies of the History of Chinese Rhetoric

  18. 为寻求语音美的汉语修辞方式必需具备汉语所特有的节奏形式,汉语节奏的主旋律是语音修辞必须遵循的基本规则。

    Chinese rhythmic main melody is the basic rule which phonetic rhetoric must follow .

  19. 论汉语修辞风格的表现

    On the Expression of Chinese Rhetorical Style

  20. 浅谈汉语修辞的民族特色

    On the National Traits of Chinese Rhetoric

  21. 民族性·现实性·互融性&关于汉语修辞与汉文化关系的研究

    Nationalism , Realism and Mutualism & On the Relationship between Chinese Rhetoric and Chinese Culture

  22. 因此汉语修辞和短语等技巧的运用就对广告业起着非常重要的作用。

    Therefore , using Chinese rhetoric and phrase plays an important role in advertizing industry .

  23. 对偶作为汉语修辞技巧之一,本质上是一种文化现象。

    Antithesis is one of the rhetorics in Chinese , belonging to the . Cultural phenomenon .

  24. 汉语修辞句的翻译方法

    Techniques for Translating Chinese Figurative Sentences

  25. 在汉语修辞格发展的过程中,仿拟是一个古老而又年轻的辞格。

    During the development of Chinese rhetoric , parody is an old but new figure of speech .

  26. 汉语修辞的美学思考

    On Esthetics in Chinese Rhetoric

  27. 汉语修辞格知识是外国学生应该学习的重要内容之一。

    Chinese rhetorical knowledge is one of the most important parts which the foreign students should learn .

  28. 曹石珠的《汉字修辞研究》是继《汉字修辞学》后对汉语修辞的又一个新贡献。

    The Thought and Practice of the Opening of the Sample Curriculum of Chinese Characters Rhetoric Study ;

  29. 本文论述了英语修辞法同汉语修辞法的共同特点。

    The common features of rhetoric in English language and rhetoric in Chinese language are discussed in this paper .

  30. 辨证思维则让汉语修辞体现出虚实统一、和谐变化美。

    And dialectical thinking makes the rhetoric embody the unification of the false & the true and the harmony of changes .