
  • 网络AION
  1. 永恒之塔服务器因紧急维护而暂时关闭!

    The Aion game servers are currently down for unscheduled maintenance .

  2. 你好,这里还有一个前一段时间适应天堂享受永恒之塔怪物。

    Hello there , well here a AION Monster adapted to Lineage some time ago enjoy .

  3. 在排名前十的网络游戏中,时间收费型网游占据了4个席位,其中两款是今年才开始商业化运营的新游戏,包括盛大互动娱乐有限公司(ShandaInteractiveEntertainment)的主要新游戏《永恒之塔》(AION)。

    Among the top 10 games , four are subscription-based titles and two were commercially launched this year , including Shanda Interactive Entertainment Ltd. 's ( SNDA ) major new title , AION .

  4. 这是关系到永恒之塔的历史。

    It is related to the history of aion .

  5. 永恒之塔将会因为合区成为一个更好的游戏。

    When all is said and done , Aion will be abetter game because of the server merge .

  6. 盛大今日推出《永恒之塔》的商业化版本,定名为《要塞盘龙》。

    Roll out now grandly " lasting tower " commercialize version , denominate is " fastness Pan Long " .

  7. 自然柔美,色泽粉中带绿,高贵典雅,装饰效果呈现高玩永恒之塔要钱吗感度视觉效果。

    Natural and soft coloration present American Cherry unique character on decoration , e ecially on the office and living room .

  8. 第二章是对电子游戏图像风格差异的具体研究,本文选择《魔兽世界》与《永恒之塔》为案例,用比较研究法对其进行了研究,比较分析了双方的图像风格。

    In chapter two , there is a specific research on the image style of electronic games The research has chosen two online games World of Warcraft and AION as examples , use the method of comparative study , compare and analysis the styles of images about the two games .