
  • 网络the yongding river;Ever-Peaceful River
永定河 [yǒng dìng hé]
  • [Yongding River] 海河水系五大支流之一,流经北京西部,历史上多水害,有小黄河之称。官厅水库修好后对永定河水有调节作用,加之其他水利工程,根本消除了水害。著名的芦沟桥即在北京西南部永定河上

  1. 永定河沉积物中磷的存在形态及其指示意义

    Phosphorus Speciation in Sediments of the Yongding River and Its Significance

  2. 永定河上游省界断面下泄量的确定方法

    Discharge Ascertain Method of the Upstream Provincial Section of Yongding River

  3. 永定河和大清河在天津附近合流。

    The Yongding and Daqing rivers meet near Tianjin .

  4. 基于GIS和RS的风沙危害风险性评价&以大兴区永定河沙地为例

    Risk Assessment of Wind Erosion Based on RS and GIS & A Case Study in Yongding River , Beijing

  5. 永定河中小洪水利用的前提条件分析

    Precondition analysis on annual flood resources exploitation of the Yongding River

  6. 永定河上游晚更新世晚期以来的堆积阶地年代测定

    Terrace dating of upper Yongding River Drainage Basin since late Pleistocene

  7. 论永定河与北京城的关系

    On the relationship between the Yongding River and Beijing city

  8. 永定河流域石景山段湿地景观规划设计研究

    Wetland Landscape Planning in the Shijingshan Section of Yongding River

  9. 北京市永定河分洪枢纽工程桥梁检测与评估

    Bridge Test and Evaluation of Flood Diversion Hub in Beijing Yongding River

  10. 喔,你就是永定河,他想。

    Hm * So you are the Yongding river , he thought .

  11. 他顺着永定河的河漫滩大步走着。

    He strode along the shore of the Yongding River .

  12. 永定河实时调度系统的建立

    Establishment of real time flood dispatch system of Yongding River

  13. 永定河在远处仍然缓缓长流。

    The Yongding River continued to flow slowly off into the distance .

  14. 永定河管理处水管体制改革推动与建议

    Water management system reformation motivations and suggestions of Yongding river

  15. 北京市永定河流域风沙化土地成因及治理模式

    Origin of wind-sandy land and control pattern in Yongding River Basin in Beijing

  16. 北京市永定河河流湿地水环境现状研究

    A study on the marsh environment of the Yongding River , Beijing City

  17. 历史上森林变迁对永定河的影响

    Impact analysis of historical forest change on Yongding River

  18. 接着,山谷下碧绿的永定河突然出现在眼前。

    Then suddenly we saw the green Yongding River in the valley below .

  19. 由此人们便知道观音洞与永定河相通。

    From then on it was known that the Cave connects to the River .

  20. 阶梯小水电站开发对永定河水质影响及防治对策

    Impact of Cascade Power Stations on Water Quality of Yongding River and Its Countermeasures

  21. 永定河流域典型区土地利用/覆被变化

    Study on Land Use / Cover Change in Typical Areas of Yongding River Watershed

  22. 人工湿地处理永定河微污染河水试验研究

    Study on the efficiency of different constructed wetland process for micro-polluted river water treatment

  23. 永定河,他盯着前方的一条粼光闪闪的水。

    The Yongding River . He gazed at the glinting , rippling ribbon of water .

  24. 卢沟桥是根据永定河水流的特点设计的。

    Lugou Bridge was designed according to the feature of the currents of Yongding River .

  25. 北京市永定河沙地人工植被防风阻沙效益分析

    Efficiency of wind prevention and sand resistance of artificial vegetation at sand land in Yongding River

  26. 永定河倒虹吸输水方涵混凝土裂缝分析及防治

    Analysis of Concrete Cracks of Box Culvert Siphon across Yongding River & Control Measures for Them

  27. 卫星遥感技术在永定河流域(河北)土壤侵蚀调查评价中的应用研究

    The Application of Satellite Remote Sensing Technique on The Survey of Soil Erosion In Northwest Hebei

  28. 在永定河流域开发利用鸭广梨资源,具有重要的社会和经济效益。

    The resources of Yaguang Pears on the Yongding River Valley ate beneficial to be developed .

  29. 随后,永定河、汾河等河流也出现了严重水灾。

    Subsequently , the Yongding River , Fenhe River and some other rivers suffered severe floods .

  30. 北京市大兴永定河沙地综合治理效益评价

    Benefit Evaluation of Sandy Land Comprehensive Control in Yongding River Watershed , Daxing County , Beijing City