- permanent wilting

Emergence of apparent permanent wilting symptom in Tl were earlier than that in T2 and T3 , and that in tall fescue were earlier than that in Auguestinegrass ;
Permanent wilting coefficient of two jujube varieties both lower than 3 % , jujube has higher drought capacity .
The plantlet treated with the NaCl was injured most badly , the conductivity of the leaf was biggest , the powdery mildew was severe , but the permanencies wilting did not happen .
The fruit wilting was the fruit wall 's crumpling phenomenon when the fruit skins lose water and became soft under the conditions of continued high temperature , drought , and soil water insufficiency , which can be divided into the temporal wilting and the permanent wilting .
Water stress beginning at - 38 kPa , temporary wilting point was - 50 kPa , permanent wilting point was - 58 kpa .
As the disease becomes heavy , the leaves colour turns yellow from green gradually . The leaves turn small . The wilting can not recover at night . At last , the leaves dried-up from the top to the bottom till the death of the whole plant .