
  • Never give up;Never say die;Never say never
  1. 但我们坚信是在为正义而战,正如我父亲在广播中所说,这种信念让我们坚持了下去,“永不言弃,永不绝望。”

    But we kept faith that the cause was right , and this belief , as my father noted4 in his broadcast , carried us through . " Never give up , never despair . "

  2. 所以,决不停止,永不言弃。

    So , don 't stop , never give up .

  3. 因为你的榜样,我,也会永不言弃。

    Because of your example , I wouldn 't let it either .

  4. 最后但是是最重要的:永不言弃。

    Last , but definitely not least is to never give up .

  5. 成功,就是永不言弃的脚步!

    The success , is never the word abandoned footsteps !

  6. 追求卓越,永不言弃。

    Spirit – pursue brilliance and never give up .

  7. 永不言弃,这是我一直拥有的;决不放弃,这是我一直信奉的;

    I 'll continue to keep you all in the loop with my progress .

  8. 选手们凭借自己的实力,努力及永不言弃的方式取得胜利,实现梦想。

    Players on its own strength , through hard work then realize their dreams .

  9. 永远坚持永不言弃

    Hang in there , Never give up .

  10. 不要战栗,永不言弃

    Don 't shiver , don 't give up

  11. 为了爱我们永不言弃。

    There is no giving up in love .

  12. 你应记住的最重要的一件事就是:永不言弃。

    And the most important thing we should remember is " Never give up " .

  13. 你知道《永不言弃》这部电影你要去看这部电影吗

    You Got the Never Say Never , You 're gonna go see the movie ?

  14. 永不放弃永不言弃永不言弃永不言弃

    and never give up , right never say never , never say never , never say never

  15. 这是爱因斯坦说的。我的生命的目标是:不断超越自己,永不言弃。

    It 's from Einstein , my aim is to go beyond myself and never ever say die .

  16. 总而言之,当我们向目标努力,永不言弃很重要。

    In short , it is important that we don 't give up when working for our goals .

  17. 只要我想要尝试,我将永不言弃,我会对你说谎吗?

    If I try , never give it up , if I try , would I lie to you ?

  18. 永不言弃,相信自己,只要全心全意就能做好任何事情。

    Never give up , believe that you can accomplish anything in which you put your mind and heart .

  19. 喜欢英语,擅长英语,打算以此为业,路漫漫其修远兮,我会延着我选择的道路走下去永不言弃。

    I love English and ready to devote my rest of life ; never say " give up " wherever it leads .

  20. 这是电影《永不言弃》中的一个片段我要告诉大家一定要去看《永不言弃》

    That 's a clip from the movie Never Say Never which I can tell you enough to go see Never Say Never

  21. 然而,就像丹麦作家安徒生在《海的女儿》中所写的那样,我们的主人公听见了她心灵的呼唤&她那永不言弃的精神。

    But , like in the Danish writer , Hands Christian Andersen 's " The Little Mermaid ", this one found her calling-her spirit !

  22. 谢尔顿:当然,我跑过的,从暴徒、狗、发怒的鸡身边逃脱。还有那个总想逼我弯腰,给我做脊椎侧凸试验的永不言弃的体育老师。

    Sheldon : Certainly . I 've run from , dogs , angry chickens ... and one particularly persistent P.E. teacher determined to bend me over and give me a test .

  23. 言谈温和的李开复通过其“兴趣决定成功”的理论而获得了大批狂热的追随者。而活力四射的马云则以他“永不言弃”的雄心壮志迷倒了听众。

    Soft-spoken Lee has been creating a cultish following through his theory of " interest decides success " while vigorous Ma Yun stuns listeners with his " never give up " ambition .

  24. 一直都认为女生不比男生差,所以好强的性格让我一直在坚持自己的梦想,我的座右铭是永不言弃,也是这个信念给我力量,激励我前进。

    Has always considered the bad boys better than girls , so a good strong character , I always stick to their dreams , my motto is never give up , but also this belief gives me strength , inspiration to me .