- 名water structure

The influence of cucl_2 , cuso_4 upon the water structure with ~ ( 17 ) o-nmr and Raman spectra
The mineral physics characteristics of crystal structure and water structure in the montmorillonite
Hydrodynamic Pressures on Retaining Structure Considering Effect of Water Surface Wave
Analysis of Hydrodynamic Pressure on Retaining Structure during Earthquakes Using Time-Dependent FEM
The Effect of Electric Field on the Qualities of Water
Comprehensive Fuzzy Evaluation Methods for Water Permeability of Structure Plane
Design and Application of Sealing Structure of Concrete Gate
FT - IR Spectroscopic Studies on Water Structure in Microemulsion with Nonionic Surfactant
Influence on Seepage Field in Foundation Excavation Dewatering of Underground Water Blocking Structure
The Influence of Magnetic Field on Water Structure
However , his obsession with the structure of water was not to be extinguished .
Due to different soil types and rainfall years , the range of summer maize potential water use efficiency was8 .
The quota-area method was used to estimate water demands of agricultural crops in 31 counties of the Jinghe Watershed .
Based on the movement equation of compressible fluid , a time-dependent finite element formula for analysis of hydrodynamic pressure on retaining structure during earthquakes is derived .
With the improvement of irrigation and farming technique , the unavailable evaporation and seepage are reduced and the effective crop transpiration is increased in irrigation areas .
The concrete face slab as the water barrier of rockfill dam , it is very crucial in the overall design of rockfill dam with concrete face slab .
Simulation and experimental study on the impedance sensor in oil-water stratified flow of horizontal wells Influence on Seepage Field in Foundation Excavation Dewatering of Underground Water Blocking Structure
Based on water-driven ecological evolution model , this paper , started with water movement and supply conditions , researched the plain ecosystem water demand structure of inland rivers .
These results are interpreted in terms of the structure of the micelle solution , electrostatic interactions between ions and micelles , ionic hydratability , changes in the water structure and an activity product effect .
The steel box sling cofferdam is the temporary structure to stop surrounding water to facilitate the construction of the high-stake bearing platform . Its function is to surround water by the box sling cofferdam 's side boards , bottom boards and back-covered concrete .
In order to understand the characteristics of soil water with winter wheat , the water consumption structure , usable degree of soil water , and relation between soil water and yield were studied under the conditions of irrigation and no irrigation in the field .
This paper introduces a kind of principle of flow measurement that adopts siding structure efflux with double spray nozzle and magneto-electric transformation , which uses diaphragm valve and water steeling-proof to compose integration of IC card water current meter by IC card and monolithic processor .
CAD Approach for Layout of Reinforcement in Large Volume Water Conservancy Works
Application of FBG sensors in under-water structure project
Research on Application of Water Engineering Structural Optimization Based on APDL and GA
Optimization of Analytical Conditions and Data Correction for the X-ray Diffraction Study of Lithium Sulfate Solution Structure
Effect of Permanent Charge on the Intrinsic Ionization Constant of Zn-Al Hydrotalcite-like Compounds
Green-rust of iron oxides with Al3 + / Fe3 + were prepared by coprecipitation in air and N2 atmosphere and characterized by XRD and BET .
Initial Research on the Structure of Electric Market A HEAT - ELECTRIC MODEL OF THE CEMENT INITIAL HYDRATION
New Methods of Finite Element Stiffness Matrix ′ s Formation , Assemblage and Storage Suitable for Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method in Hydraulic Structures