
  1. 地球背向月球的那一面的水则离月球最远。

    The water on the opposite side is farthest from the moon .

  2. 木头是固体,水则是液体。

    Wood is a solid while water is a liquid .

  3. 血指的是亲戚,而水则表朋友。

    Blood refers to relatives and water means friends .

  4. 成衣洗水厂资料,如成衣无需洗水则不需填写。

    Plesae write the information about garment finisher , if there is one .

  5. 不久淤泥深到腿的一半,而水则过了膝头。

    Soon he had the slime up to his calves and water above his knees .

  6. 现在淤泥已到膝下,而水则到了腰际。

    The mire now reached to his knees , and the water to his waist .

  7. 而实际上,浪从水中移过,而水则留在原处。

    In actuality waves move through the water leaving the water about where it was .

  8. 而南湾湖的水则是碧绿清澈,喝一口能甜透心窝的水。

    The water in Nanwanhu Lake is limpid , drink and make you feel sweet to heart .

  9. 亚隆说,高蛋白食品、蔬菜、纤维和水则会产生相反的效果。

    Eating foods high in protein , vegetables , fiber and water have the opposite effect , Dr.

  10. 人类诞生以后水则是人类文明发展的必备条件。

    After the first humans , water indeed has been a necessary condition for development of civilizations .

  11. 空气被压入箱内,水则被挤出箱外,因此工人可以在水下工作。

    Air was forced into the box and water was forced out so the workers could work underwater .

  12. 春季解冻期的土壤水则来源于上一年的土壤封冻水。

    During the period of thawing in spring , water in soil comes from freezing water in the previous year .

  13. 气候条件适宜时,水则以降水的形式落到陆地上或直接回到海洋。

    When weather conditions are right , the water is distributed to the land or returned directly to the ocean as precipitation .

  14. 风水主要以病因与症状命名,而阳水则从病性角度出发命名。

    Wind edema is mainly named based upon causative reason and symptoms and yang water is named from the nature of the disease .

  15. 变质水则是含矿变质热液的主体并趋向于在变质前锋区及前锋区前成矿;

    Metamorphic water constitutes most of ore-bearing metamorphic hydrothermal water , which tends to mineralize in metamorphic front region and before the front region .

  16. 盆地南部的深层孔隙水则由盆地北部与西部的深层水混合而成。

    Hydrochemistry of deep pore water in the southern basin is affected by the mixing of deep pore water from the western basin with that from the northern basin .

  17. 对于水则是人类生活必不可缺的物品,水资源的短缺、水环境的急剧恶化、洪涝灾害的不断发生等水危机使社会各界都开始高度重视水安全的重要。

    Water is human life for essential items , water shortage , and the rapid deterioration of water environment ; flood and the continuous occurrence of water crisis , made the community have begun to attach great importance to the importance of water security .

  18. 膨胀土是一种富含亲水性矿物并具有特定结构和特殊工程性质的粘土,多以非饱和的状态存在,遇水则膨胀变形,失水则收缩干裂,具有较大的往复胀缩性。

    Expansive soil is a special clay which contains the mineral that gets close to water and has particular structure and particular character of engineering , it mostly exists by not-saturated , swelled with water and shrank without water , this character can be changed extensively .

  19. 豁然开朗后,我又开始踏上征程,心无旁骛地专注于头灯照在地上、上下摆动的小光圈,水壶里晃动的水则犹如有节奏的战鼓激励着我。

    One step at a time . Before I know it , I 'm back up and running , focusing intently on the bobbing circle of light from my headtorch . The sloshing of the water in my bottle becomes a drum beating a rhythm to run to .

  20. 天然状态下黄土具有含水量低、强度高、结构特征明显,遇水则强度迅速降低,结构易破坏等特点,滑坡钻探要求全孔无扰动连续取芯。

    Loess is of such characters as low moisture content , high intensity , apparent structure feature , but meeting water , the intensity is reduced rapidly , and the structure is apt to be destructed etc , landslip drilling requires full sample explored consecutively in whole hole without disturbing .

  21. 而名为ElRioPasivo的水滑梯则可以让游客环绕整个水上乐园,将乐园周围的山峦和瀑布尽收眼底。

    The water ride , El Rio Pasivo , carries riders through the whole water park . They can see the mountains and waterfalls around it .

  22. 丰水季则不同,0.5m水深处CH4通量低于1m、5m处的排放通量。

    Wet season is different , 0.5m deep CH4 flux of water below the 1m , 5m Department of emission flux .

  23. 龟在陆地上行动笨拙,在水里则很灵活。

    On land the turtle is ungainly , but in the water it is very agile .

  24. 水满则患,感情的河流泛滥成灾也如洪水猛兽害人不浅。

    Shui Man contracts , the sentimental rivers run rampant like the disasters to be also very harmful .

  25. 公园里的另一个水滑梯则通过一个传送管道将游客推到19米的高塔之上。

    Another of the park 's rides offers a tube conveyor that transports riders up the 19-meter-tall tower .

  26. 侵蚀红壤的比水容量则大于侵蚀紫色土。这说明保水能力强的土壤供水能力不一定强。

    The author concluded that the soil with more strong water conservated ability may not be stronger of water supplying .

  27. 水纯则清,将颜料、泥沙倒进水里,水就混浊了。

    The pure water is clean ; but when mud or sand is poured into water , it becomes turbid .

  28. 但是有效地利用这些纳米颗粒进行水处理则更加困难。而纳米技术的全部潜力尚未实现。

    But using them effectively for large-scale water treatment is more difficult , andnanotechnology 's full potential has yet to be realised .

  29. 比如说,草履虫池(如图所示)通过蜿蜒的小溪与一个物种丰富的植物园紧紧相连,小溪的水流量则源自附近的瀑布。

    To wit : Paramecium Pond ,( pictured ) edging a rich , botanical garden through which travels a stream fed by nearby waterfall .

  30. 如果被挡住的土没有排掉水,则应将静水压力的作用加在土压力的作用上。

    If the retained earth is not allowed to drain , the effect of hydrostatic water pressure shall be added to that of earth pressure .