
  • 网络water recycling
  1. 利用静电技术对水蒸气中水分回收的应用探讨

    Study on the Application of Electrostatic Precipitator to the Recovery of Water in Vapor

  2. 可以用于天然气开采过程中脱除天然气中含有的少量水分,以及回收天然气中的轻烃,具有广阔的应用前景。

    It can be used for removal water from natural gas which contains a small amount of water in the natural gas mining process . It also can be used for recovering the lighter hydrocarbon in natural gas .

  3. 其所减少的水分是不可回收利用的地面蒸发水量,从水资源开发看,减少这部分水的无效消耗,有着重要意义。

    The reduced soil moisture is the amount of surface evaporation that can not be recovered . As viewed from exploration and utilization of water resources , the reduction of this unavailable water consumption is of great importance .